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- Step 1: Stand tall with feet hip-width apart and arms at your sides.
- Step 2: Begin exercise by bending knees and lowering hips down while simultaneously placing your hands on the ground and kicking your feet behind you as you drop to the ground.
- Step 3: Next, with your body barely touching the ground in the down position of a push-up, arch your back up so that your arms become straight.
- Step 4: Finally, "snap" your feet forward as you push yourself off the ground and stand up tall. This completes one rep.
burpee is a calisthenics, cardiovascular, martial arts, plyometrics, and total body
that primarily targets the quads
and to a lesser degree also targets the abs, calves, chest, forearms, glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, lower back, middle back, quads, shoulders and triceps
burpee is a calisthenics, cardiovascular, martial arts, plyometrics, and total body
that primarily targets the quads
and to a lesser degree also targets the abs, calves, chest, forearms, glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, lower back, middle back, quads, shoulders and triceps.
Learning proper burpee form is easy with the step by step
burpee instructions, burpee tips,
and the instructional burpee technique video on this page.
burpee is a exercise for
those with a intermediate level of physical fitness and exercise experience.
Watch the burpee video, learn how to do the burpee,
and then be sure and browse through the burpee workouts on our
workout plans page!
- Complete each rep as quickly as possible in good form.
- Don't allow your knees to bend inward.
- Focus on performing the movements in sync with each other. The exercise should be fluid and not step-by-step.
- Place hands on a 6-inch step and step back with right leg and then left leg. Reverse movement back to starting position.
- Perform one leg at a time with hands flat on the floor.
- Wear a weighted vest for increased resistance.
- Force Type: Push
- Mechanics Type: Compound
I like doing burpees because they're so much harder than they look. Just try a few without stopping and you will see what I mean! They really are a great way to get your whole body warmed up before a workout, or even a great standalone workout when you don't have time to get to the gym.
If you want to do this with a much higher level of intensity, after you kick your legs out, do a pushup, then bring your right knee to your chest, then do another pushup, then bring your left knee to your chest, then do another pushup before jumping your feet to your hands.
Burpees are so good for your overall cardiovascular endurance and a great total body movement to get your heart rate up, (you can also add burpees to your workout in the beginning as a warm-up or the end as a great fat-burning finisher) but...
Behind every great person is a ton of burpees! The burpee is a great cardio exercise. You can do them anywhere and it gets your heart going fast. I remember a while ago I did a workout that was a squat/bupree pyramid workout it was really challenging it went like this: 10 burpees, 1 squat, 9 burpees, 2 squats, 8 burpees, 3 squats and so on. I give the burpee an easy 5 stars!
There are so many different variations of burpees! And all of them are excellent for your cardiovascular health. I'f I'm looking for a quick warm-up or I don't have much time to workout that day I'm hitting up the burpees. One of the best parts is no equipment needed and they can be done anywhere. They are a no excuses exercise!