Enzymatic Therapy

Year Founded: 1985


  • Overview
  • Awards
  • Endorsements

Enzymatic Therapy FDA Concerns

In 1992, the FDA shut down Enzymatic Therapy due to several complaints about certain products and the death of an individual who took Enzymatic Therapy’s Raw Thyroid Complex. As it turns out, this was a product that contained steroids that the company had been ordered to stop selling by the FDA.

The reason this history is so important is because, typically, when a company has been around for as long as Enzymatic Therapy, you can feel confident that you are getting safe products because most supplement companies can’t withstand an FDA injunction. However, in this case, the company was selling so many other products that it wasn’t hurt by the temporary closure.

Because the company is now required to submit all of their labeling through the FDA before releasing a product, it is probable that you can feel confident about what you are buying. However, part of the issues that Enzymatic Therapy had was that during their investigation the FDA learned that the company was sending the FDA one label but putting a different on their products.

Overall, this type of practice should be cause for concern simply because it shows that the company is willing to lie in order to keep your business. While they haven’t had any issues in recent years, it is important to monitor this type of behavior to ensure that you are really getting what Enzymatic Therapy claims that you are getting.

Enzymatic Therapy Awards and Recognition

Despite all of this trouble, Enzymatic Therapy has been the recipient of a couple of different awards. From 2008 to 2010 Better Nutrition Magazine awarded Enzymatic Therapy the Best Supplement Awards for their DLG Ultra, Remifemin and Whole Body Cleanse.

In 2009, Vitamin Retailer Magazine awarded Enzymatic Therapy first place in their Vity Awards for their Hot Plants for Him and their Hot Plants for Her sexual enhancement formulas.

In 2008 Enzymatic Therapy received the Families in Good Company seal of approval. Families in Good Company recognized Enzymatic Therapy because of their flexible policies for people with families to take care of.

Enzymatic Therapy is also heavily involved in their community and they encourage their employees to get involved as well. The company has supported such charities as the Make a Wish Foundation, donated over $10,000 to the Haiti relief fund in 2010 and more.

Enzymatic Therapy Products

Enzymatic Therapy sells 328 products under their brand. These products are placed in different categories and then several subcategories.

These categories and sub categories include an anti-aging line, joint and bone health, children's nutrition and health, cellular health, digestive health, cleansing and detox, weight management, immunity, men's health, women's health and more. Each has several sub-categories within. With over 300 products, having them subcategorized makes it much easier for you to make the right selection for your particular condition or needs.

It is important to note that it isn’t uncommon for manufacturers to sell their products for a much higher price than you will find if you search around online. You might find it beneficial to use their categorized system to find the right product and then shop around via the supplement finder to find the lowest price.

Enzymatic Therapy also offers something you don’t see very often from supplement companies and that is a scientific advisory board. While this doesn’t mean that these folks are conducting clinical studies, these men and women go over each product and their claims to ensure that the necessary qualities are there to work the way that Enzymatic says they will.

On this board there are 3 doctors, one RN and one mind-body discipline expert. While these men and women aren’t employed by Enzymatic full time, they do make themselves available any time a new product is being developed for the company. Use the free supplement finder to locate and compare your nutrition options now! 

Best Supplement Awards for their DLG Ultra, Remifemin and Whole Body Cleanse, First place Vity Award for their Hot Plants for Him and their Hot Plants for Her sexual enhancement formulas, Families in Good Company seal of approval
Enzymatic Therapy