Year Founded: 1995


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MMUSA Product Advantages

According to MMUSA, their products have an advantage over any other supplements because their products are absorbed in the mouth. The idea is that since the supplement doesn’t go through the digestive system and the liver, it is safer for the body.

MMUSA claims that because absorption begins immediately in the mouth, the body has immediate access to the nutrients. This means the benefit starts immediately.

Another proclaimed benefit is that you don’t have to take nearly as much of MMUSA products as you would a pill or powder equivalent from another company.

MMUSA products have a shelf life of 3 years opened. This is much longer than most other nutritional supplements.

MMUSA Products

MMUSA products are categorized by gender and then by type. You will find these seven categories on MMUSA’s website:

  • Male Fitness
  • Female Fitness
  • Body Builders
  • Endurance
  • Burn Fat
  • Recovery
  • Feel Younger

There are some products that show up in more than one category. MMUSA claims this means that the product offers multiple benefits.

MMUSA Male Fitness Products

The Male Fitness line includes:

  • Anti-OX Antioxidant Serum
  • ATP Creatine Gel Pack
  • ATP Creatine Serum
  • Endurus Runners Serum Male
  • Thermo Thermogenic Gel Pack
  • Thermo Thermogenic Serum Male

Anti-OX Antioxidant Serum Male is supposed to heal the cell damage that occurs in the body after a serious workout. According to MMUSA, this product shortens recovery time dramatically.

ATP Creatine Gel Pack is a discontinued product.

ATP Creatine Serum is a soluble creatine phosphate complex, and according to MMUSA,  the only one in the world. MMUSA claims this product increases energy levels so that you can workout longer.

ATP Creatine Serum is supposed to increase muscle strength, stamina and delay fatigue.

Endurus Runners Serum Male is supposed to provide energy fast. In addition, this product supposedly provides strength, stamina and joint protection while you run.

Thermo Thermogenic Gel Pack is another product that is no longer available online or directly from MMUSA because it has been discontinued. It is still listed on the MMUSA website.

Thermo Thermogenic Serum Male is supposed to boost metabolism and create muscle warming without your having to workout. When you do workout, your benefits should be greater.

MMUSA Female Fitness Products

The Female Fitness line includes:

  • Anti-OX Antioxidant Serum
  • Endurus Runners Serum Female
  • Femme Hi-Energy Serum
  • Thermo Thermogenic Serum Female

Anti-OX Antioxidant Serum Female has the same description as its male counterpart. Anti-OX Antioxidant Serum Female is supposed to heal cell damage and allow you to recover quickly after a hard workout.

Endurus Runners Serum Female might seem the same as the male runners serum from the description, but the formula is different.  Endurus Runners Serum Female contains wild yam and ginkgo biloba.

Femme Hi-Energy Serum also contains wild yam and ginkgo extracts. It supposedly boosts progesterone activity in the body.

Progesterone aids in building strength, providing energy, and increasing the metabolism. Femme Hi-Energy Serum claims to be in perfect balance for the female body.

Thermo Thermogenic Serum Female is supposed to boost the metabolism and increase energy levels. There is no information on the MMUSA site as to how this differs from the male version of this product, however, a quick trip to will enlighten you.

MMUSA Body Builders Products

The Body Builders line includes:

  • XTRA Creatine Serum Gel Pack with Glutamine   
  • XTRA Creatine Serum with Glutamine

XTRA Creatine Serum Gel Pack with Glutamine has been discontinued.

XTRA Creatine Serum with Glutamine is a pharmaceutical grade product that boosts energy by using fat, allowing for the development of lean muscle mass. XTRA Creatine Serum with Glutamine is supposed to boost performance during exercise.

MMUSA Endurance Products

The Endurance line includes:

  • Endurus Runners Gel Pack Male
  • Endurus Runners Serum Female
  • Endurus Runners Serum Male

Included in Endurance are Endurus Runners Serum Male and Female, which have already been discussed under the gender categories.

Endurus Runners Gel Pack Male product works just like the other Endurus products. The only difference is it is a gel that you eat, instead of a liquid that you drip into your mouth. It is ideal for men who are in the middle of a competition and can’t stop to count drops.

MMUSA Burn Fat Products

The Burn Fat line includes:

  • Thermo Thermogenic Gel Pack Male
  • Thermo Thermogenic Serum Female
  • Thermo Thermogenic Serum Male

Thermo Thermogenic Gel Pack Male is a discontinued product.

The other two products in this category, Thermo Thermogenic Serum Male and Female are discussed under the gender categories.

MMUSA Recovery Products

The Recovery line includes:

  • Anti-OX Antioxidant Serum Female
  • Anti-OX Antioxidant Serum Male
  • ATP Plus Joint Serum

Both Anti-OX Antioxidant Serum Female and Anti-OX Antioxidant Serum Male were discussed in the gender categories.

ATP Plus Joint Serum is supposed to be good for any sport as it is supposed to protect the joints, cartilage and connective tissue, and repair the damage after a workout.

MMUSA Feel Younger Products

The Feel Younger line includes:

  • Marvellus
  • Prime Anti-Fatigue Serum
  • STRATOS Gel Pack

Marvellus is meant to provide you with energy you need to get through an average day.

Prime Anti-Fatigue Serum is designed specifically for men over 45 years old to provide vitality and strength.

STRATOS is supposed to improve male sexual performance. It is designed to increase testosterone levels to prolong your erection as well as provide you with more energy for sex.

The STRATOS Gel Pack has been discontinued by MMUSA.

MMUSA Product Cost

If you look on the MMUSA website, you will find their prices astronomical. There must be something wrong with their currency conversion calculator; they list their products as costing $600 to $800.

However, a search online reveals that their products are quite reasonably priced. All of the MMUSA supplements fall into the $30 to $80 range, depending on what you purchase.

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