Premier Nutrition

Year Founded: 1997


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Premier Nutrition Quality

Premier Nutrition claims their products are the best that money can buy and currently produces several lines of bars, protein formulas (in powder form), and other supplements. Premier Nutrition also claims their products are the best tasting option.

Taste is very important for people who are just starting out in body improvement and who don’t want to drink or eat something that tastes like cardboard. What does Premier Nutrition have to offer?

Premier Nutrition Protein Shakes

One of the top sellers for the company is the Premier Nutrition brand of protein shakes. If you are feeling weak, then the 30 grams of protein per shake formulas ought to perk you up. The low 160 calorie content won’t put any excess fat on your hips.

Flavors of the Premier Nutrition shake formula come in traditional chocolate, strawberry and vanilla. However, the Premier Nutrition website advises ways to kick it up a notch; for example, by as adding extracts to the mix.

Imagine having a chocolate peppermint shake or a vanilla raspberry treat before a workout! The company also suggests adding your Premier Nutrition shake formula to mixed berries and ice and creating a delicious protein packed smoothie.

Not only are you getting a whopping amount of protein with these Premier Nutrition shakes, but you are also taking in eight amino acids, as well as 24 different vitamins and minerals.  Some reviewers claim the Premier Nutrition shakes taste so good they not only look forward to taking them, but also crave them.

Premier Nutrition Titan Line

If you are more of an eater than a drinker, you may prefer Premier Titan protein bars and cookies. These also have 30 grams of protein to refuel you, but they come in such delicious flavors as yogurt peanut butter crunch, double chocolate crunch and chocolate peanut butter.

  • These Premier Nutrition bars can be used as meal replacements, as they have everything you need nutritionally to keep you going. Another advantage of eating these Premier Nutrition bars is that they contain no high fructose corn syrup or hydrogenated oils.
  • If you are looking for a tasty indulgence that is also healthy then check out Premier Nutrition’s line of high protein cookies. With twenty grams of protein in a chocolate chip, oatmeal, or peanut butter cookie, how can you say no?  
  • Sometimes athletes and newcomers alike need a pick-me-up that goes beyond vitamins and protein. This is where Premier Nutrition’s energy shots come in.
  • A Premier Nutrition shot supplement will give you that energy boost you need to get through the day or through your next workout. Premier Nutrition Rocket Shot and Premier Nutrition Nitro Shot are two of the brand’s offerings to consider.
  • Rocket Shot is filled with B-vitamins, L-taurine, and, of course, a good dose of caffeine. Nitro Shot stimulates the increase of nitric oxide, with a process called hemodilation.

Have you checked out the label for your usual energy drink? Seeing the high calorie and sugar content for these “energy sodas” may be enough to raise your blood pressure!

However, it will be a relief to know that the Premier Nutrition Rocket Shot has only 30 calories, which keeps users energized and slim.

Premier Nutrition in the Media

Premier Nutrition’s reputation, well over ten years and counting, is certainly not going unnoticed. The company has been making headlines all over the nation, including mentions in some high profile magazines.

The Premier Nutrition Titan high protein cookie has received a favorable review from Today’s Diet & Nutrition (January 2011), as well as mention from Waning Woman (January 2011).

Premier Nutrition’s products have also been highlighted at popular websites and magazines like, Flex, Max Sports & Fitness and Most of the company’s reviews are positive and focus on how these dessert-like protein snacks taste like authentic cookies, shakes and other treats.

If you need higher protein content with less sugar, calories and fat, consider trying the latest offerings from Premier Nutrition. Half the battle in eating healthy is finding food products that you enjoy eating or drinking that don’t tax your body.

If you like the taste of Premier Nutrition products, you may well be on your way to better health. To compare Premier Nutrition products to similar ones that are currently on the market, use the supplement finder now!

Premier Nutrition