Archer Pull-Up

Calisthenics / Expert

1 ratings

Equipment Needed

  • Chin-Up Bar

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Average Sitewide Archer Pull-Up Reps

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Average Male Archer Pull-Up Reps

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  • #9K
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Average Female Archer Pull-Up Reps


Muscles Worked


archer pull-up is a calisthenics exercise that primarily targets the lats and to a lesser degree also targets the biceps, forearms, middle back, shoulders and traps ...more

archer pull-up is a calisthenics exercise that primarily targets the lats and to a lesser degree also targets the biceps, forearms, middle back, shoulders and traps.

The only archer pull-up equipment that you really need is the following: chin-up bar. There are however many different archer pull-up variations that you can try out that may require different types of archer pull-up equipment or may even require no equipment at all.

Learning proper archer pull-up form is easy with the step by step archer pull-up instructions, archer pull-up tips, and the instructional archer pull-up technique video on this page. archer pull-up is a exercise for those with a expert level of physical fitness and exercise experience. Watch the archer pull-up video, learn how to do the archer pull-up, and then be sure and browse through the archer pull-up workouts on our workout plans page!


  1. Perform exercise in one quick motion. Avoid pausing between movements. Pull fast and hard to one side.
  2. Exhale on the way up and inhale on the way down.
  3. Be sure to warm up before performing exercise.


  1. Perform a Corn Cob Pull-Up. See exercise description on the site.
  2. For an easier variation perform side-to-side pull-ups. It is the same motion except you do not make your arm straight.
  3. Wear a weighted vest to increase resistance.

Other Names

  • Straight-arm Pull-up


  • Force Type: Pull
  • Mechanics Type: Compound

1 Review

  • Jack123
    over 11 years ago

    That looks ridiculous and too easy to injure yourself

Equipment Needed

  • Chin-Up Bar


  1. Perform exercise in one quick motion. Avoid pausing between movements. Pull fast and hard to one side.
  2. Exhale on the way up and inhale on the way down.
  3. Be sure to warm up before performing exercise.


  1. Perform a Corn Cob Pull-Up. See exercise description on the site.
  2. For an easier variation perform side-to-side pull-ups. It is the same motion except you do not make your arm straight.
  3. Wear a weighted vest to increase resistance.

Other Names

  • Straight-arm Pull-up


  • Force Type: Pull
  • Mechanics Type: Compound