Bulgarian Dumbbell Split Squat

Free Weights / Intermediate

3 ratings

Equipment Needed

  • Dumbbells
  • Flat Bench

My Performance

Sitewide Performance

  • All
  • Male
  • Female
  • 25 lb
    average weight
  • 25 lb
    best weight
  • 1
    times logged
  • #243
    popularity rank

Average Sitewide Bulgarian Dumbbell Split Squat Weight

  • 25 lb
    average weight
  • 25 lb
    best weight
  • 1
    times logged
  • #238
    popularity rank

Average Male Bulgarian Dumbbell Split Squat Weight

  • 0 lb
    average weight
  • 0 lb
    best weight
  • 0
    times logged
  • #191
    popularity rank

Average Female Bulgarian Dumbbell Split Squat Weight


Muscles Worked


bulgarian dumbbell split squat is a free weights exercise that primarily targets the quads and to a lesser degree also targets the glutes, hamstrings and calves ...more

bulgarian dumbbell split squat is a free weights exercise that primarily targets the quads and to a lesser degree also targets the glutes, hamstrings and calves.

The only bulgarian dumbbell split squat equipment that you really need is the following: dumbbells and flat bench. There are however many different bulgarian dumbbell split squat variations that you can try out that may require different types of bulgarian dumbbell split squat equipment or may even require no equipment at all.

Learning proper bulgarian dumbbell split squat form is easy with the step by step bulgarian dumbbell split squat instructions, bulgarian dumbbell split squat tips, and the instructional bulgarian dumbbell split squat technique video on this page. bulgarian dumbbell split squat is a exercise for those with a intermediate level of physical fitness and exercise experience. Watch the bulgarian dumbbell split squat video, learn how to do the bulgarian dumbbell split squat, and then be sure and browse through the bulgarian dumbbell split squat workouts on our workout plans page!


  1. Place back foot on bench so that you can still stand upright. Don't overstretch to keep foot on the bench.
  2. Drop straight down when squatting. Focus on keeping knee in the same position, using it only as a hinge to lower your body down.
  3. Do not hunch over. Keep back straight and gaze looking forward.


  1. Substitute a barbell for dumbbells.
  2. On the decent hold yourself at the squat position for as long as you can.
  3. For a really intense workout place your front foot on a stabilizer ball and perform as described above (good idea to have a partner there to help if necessary).

Other Names

  • Rfe Split Squat


  • Force Type: Push
  • Mechanics Type: Compound

3 Reviews

  • AaronV
    about 13 years ago

    Love these, they're killers.

  • thaisbritto142
    over 12 years ago

  • ElainaJudoka8
    almost 9 years ago

    I really like doing Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats because its fun and its basically a full body exercise, it helps to tone my entire body, including my abs and glutes.

Equipment Needed

  • Dumbbells
  • Flat Bench


  1. Place back foot on bench so that you can still stand upright. Don't overstretch to keep foot on the bench.
  2. Drop straight down when squatting. Focus on keeping knee in the same position, using it only as a hinge to lower your body down.
  3. Do not hunch over. Keep back straight and gaze looking forward.


  1. Substitute a barbell for dumbbells.
  2. On the decent hold yourself at the squat position for as long as you can.
  3. For a really intense workout place your front foot on a stabilizer ball and perform as described above (good idea to have a partner there to help if necessary).

Other Names

  • Rfe Split Squat


  • Force Type: Push
  • Mechanics Type: Compound