Clean High Pull

Free Weights / Plyometrics / Total Body / Expert

2 ratings

Equipment Needed

  • Barbell

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How to do Clean High Pull:

Muscles Worked


clean high pull is a free weights, plyometrics, and total body exercise that primarily targets the traps and to a lesser degree also targets the biceps, calves, hamstrings, hip flexors, quads and shoulders ...more

clean high pull is a free weights, plyometrics, and total body exercise that primarily targets the traps and to a lesser degree also targets the biceps, calves, hamstrings, hip flexors, quads and shoulders.

The only clean high pull equipment that you really need is the following: barbell. There are however many different clean high pull variations that you can try out that may require different types of clean high pull equipment or may even require no equipment at all.

Learning proper clean high pull form is easy with the step by step clean high pull instructions, clean high pull tips, and the instructional clean high pull technique video on this page. clean high pull is a exercise for those with a expert level of physical fitness and exercise experience. Watch the clean high pull video, learn how to do the clean high pull, and then be sure and browse through the clean high pull workouts on our workout plans page!


  1. Perform with a very lightweight as first until you get the motion down.
  2. Use the momentum from your legs and hips to raise the barbell up to your shoulders and neck.
  3. If you have shoulder problems do not use heavy weight and probably best not to do this exercise at all.


  1. Perform a hang high pull.
  2. Perform an upright row.
  3. Perform a barbell clean.


  • Force Type: Pull
  • Mechanics Type: Compound

2 Reviews

  • JoelJonathan
    about 11 years ago

    One of my all time favorite exercises. I am pretty new to doing the clean high pull and I am still perfecting my technique, but it's a fantastic all around power and explosiveness builder - great for translating into athletics. Most football players are pretty familiar with staples like the squat and power clean, but I think that the clean high pull is an under-utilized exercise for football players and even some basketball players, wrestlers, MMA, etc.

    If you have never done clean high pulls before then you may want to start off by perfecting your form with the hang clean high pull:

    There are also a bunch of cool variations that you can try like the snatch-grip high pull:

    Or, the clean high pull from blocks:

    Etc. etc.

    The clean high pull benefits anyone looking to increase their power and explosiveness while developing great musculature in the posterior chain - even in the traps (which other posterior chain focused exercises like the deadlift dont really target all that much).

    To perfect your clean high pull technique then be sure and watch the clean high pull video above (the demonstration video is provided from Team USA Weightlifting via the official partnership with The clean high pull is fast becoming a CrossFit staple so hopefully more people will give this great Olympic lift a try!

  • Lordoftheroute
    about 11 years ago

    Clean High Pull, I hate you.

    That said, very effective, and a good way to burn off that final wind of energy.

Equipment Needed

  • Barbell


  1. Perform with a very lightweight as first until you get the motion down.
  2. Use the momentum from your legs and hips to raise the barbell up to your shoulders and neck.
  3. If you have shoulder problems do not use heavy weight and probably best not to do this exercise at all.


  1. Perform a hang high pull.
  2. Perform an upright row.
  3. Perform a barbell clean.


  • Force Type: Pull
  • Mechanics Type: Compound