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- Step 1: Stand on the right side of the horse and place your right foot in the stirrup and grab onto the saddle with your hands.
- Step 2: Step up in the stirrup and throw your left leg over to the other side and place it in the other stirrup.
- Step 3: Take the reins in your hands, don't pull the reins tight. Give the horse a light kick with your heel to start moving forward.
- Step 4: Use the inside of your thighs to help grip the horse as you move forward. To encourage the horse to go faster use your heels and the reins.
- Step 5: To slow the horse down pull lightly on the reins. Do not pull too hard and jerk the reins or the horse will buck you off.
horseback riding is a alternative and sports
that primarily targets the quads
and to a lesser degree also targets the abs, calves, forearms, glutes, groin, hamstrings, hip flexors, lower back and shoulders
horseback riding is a alternative and sports
that primarily targets the quads
and to a lesser degree also targets the abs, calves, forearms, glutes, groin, hamstrings, hip flexors, lower back and shoulders.
Learning proper horseback riding form is easy with the step by step
horseback riding instructions, horseback riding tips,
and the instructional horseback riding technique video on this page.
horseback riding is a exercise for
those with a beginner level of physical fitness and exercise experience.
Watch the horseback riding video, learn how to do the horseback riding,
and then be sure and browse through the horseback riding workouts on our
workout plans page!
- As you start to move faster crouch down on the horse to get a better grip and to prevent wind resistance.
- Make sure that your feet are firmly in the stirrups.
- Talking to the horse can help to speed up or slow down the horses speed.
- Rider should always wear a helmet.
- Force Type: N/A
- Mechanics Type: Compound