Straight-Arm Pulldown

Exercise Machine / Beginner

1 ratings

Equipment Needed

  • Cable Machine

My Performance

Sitewide Performance

  • All
  • Male
  • Female
  • 54 lb
    average weight
  • 65 lb
    best weight
  • 4
    times logged
  • #185
    popularity rank

Average Sitewide Straight-Arm Pulldown Weight

  • 54 lb
    average weight
  • 65 lb
    best weight
  • 4
    times logged
  • #157
    popularity rank

Average Male Straight-Arm Pulldown Weight

  • 0 lb
    average weight
  • 0 lb
    best weight
  • 0
    times logged
  • #359
    popularity rank

Average Female Straight-Arm Pulldown Weight

How to do Straight-Arm Pulldown:

Muscles Worked


straight-arm pulldown is a exercise machine exercise that primarily targets the lats ...more

straight-arm pulldown is a exercise machine exercise that primarily targets the lats.

The only straight-arm pulldown equipment that you really need is the following: cable machine. There are however many different straight-arm pulldown variations that you can try out that may require different types of straight-arm pulldown equipment or may even require no equipment at all.

Learning proper straight-arm pulldown form is easy with the step by step straight-arm pulldown instructions, straight-arm pulldown tips, and the instructional straight-arm pulldown technique video on this page. straight-arm pulldown is a exercise for those with a beginner level of physical fitness and exercise experience. Watch the straight-arm pulldown video, learn how to do the straight-arm pulldown, and then be sure and browse through the straight-arm pulldown workouts on our workout plans page!


  1. If your arms are not fully extended when you begin, back up slowly until they are.
  2. Be sure to keep proper form when performing this exercise.


  1. Perform this exercise with a shoulder width grip.
  2. Perform this exercise with a barbell.
  3. Perform this exercise with dumbbells.

Other Names

  • Straight-arm Lat Pulldown


  • Force Type: Pull
  • Mechanics Type: Isolation

1 Review

  • JoelJonathan
    about 12 years ago

    I don't do these that often but I just started doing them over the last month again for a new workout plan I started (the HIIT 100 Workout Plan from this site) and I am realizing all over again how underrated of an exercise this is.

    Of course the straight arm pulldowns target the lats (and you can and should adjust your grip width to target different angles of your back while doing them) but as you increase the weight you will also notice that these can really work your core as well. They almost feel like barbell rollouts feel - at least that is the same type of feeling in my abs.

    One little word of caution (because I know that sometimes I tend to cheat in this exact same way when I get tired) is that at the bottom of the movement it can be easy to let your arms and shoulders take over as the prime mover and disengage your lats - don't do this! lol Keep your lats engaged through the entire movement and you should really feel them working.

Equipment Needed

  • Cable Machine


  1. If your arms are not fully extended when you begin, back up slowly until they are.
  2. Be sure to keep proper form when performing this exercise.


  1. Perform this exercise with a shoulder width grip.
  2. Perform this exercise with a barbell.
  3. Perform this exercise with dumbbells.

Other Names

  • Straight-arm Lat Pulldown


  • Force Type: Pull
  • Mechanics Type: Isolation