High Knee Walk

Stretching / Warm-Up / Very Easy

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high knee walk is a stretching and warm-up exercise that primarily targets the hip flexors ...more

high knee walk is a stretching and warm-up exercise that primarily targets the hip flexors.

Learning proper high knee walk form is easy with the step by step high knee walk instructions, high knee walk tips, and the instructional high knee walk technique video on this page. high knee walk is a exercise for those with a very easy level of physical fitness and exercise experience. Watch the high knee walk video, learn how to do the high knee walk, and then be sure and browse through the high knee walk workouts on our workout plans page!


  1. Raise knee as close to butt as possible.
  2. Back should be straight throughout the entire exercise.
  3. Swing arms sightly (optional).


  1. Perform a walking knee hug. Begin exercise by raising your left knee up toward your chest, use both hands and grab your right shin and pull knee up as close to your chest as comfortably possible.Take three steps and repeat with right knee.
  2. Perform heel to butt walk...Step forward with your left foot, then lift your right ankle to your butt. Grab your right ankle with your right hand and pull ankle as close to your butt as possible. Release ankle, take three steps, raise and grab your left ankle. Alternate legs back and forth.
  3. Perform exercise without walking.

Other Names

  • Walking High Knees


  • Force Type: Pull
  • Mechanics Type: Compound

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  1. Raise knee as close to butt as possible.
  2. Back should be straight throughout the entire exercise.
  3. Swing arms sightly (optional).


  1. Perform a walking knee hug. Begin exercise by raising your left knee up toward your chest, use both hands and grab your right shin and pull knee up as close to your chest as comfortably possible.Take three steps and repeat with right knee.
  2. Perform heel to butt walk...Step forward with your left foot, then lift your right ankle to your butt. Grab your right ankle with your right hand and pull ankle as close to your butt as possible. Release ankle, take three steps, raise and grab your left ankle. Alternate legs back and forth.
  3. Perform exercise without walking.

Other Names

  • Walking High Knees


  • Force Type: Pull
  • Mechanics Type: Compound