Home Best Gym Management Software
7 Best Gym TV Workouts Software in 2024

7 Best Gym TV Workouts Software in 2024

Posted by Tyler Spraul, Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®) on April 20, 2023 ā€” Updated on April 27, 2024

Compare the best gym TV workouts software functionality in order to provide an engaging and immersive in-gym experience for your gym members. Compare Exercise.com, Wodify, BTWB, and more.

Best Gym TV Workouts Software

The best TV workouts software for gyms should make it easy to display workouts, leaderboards, and other workout data on in-gym TV screens in order to motivate friendly competition in your gym, box, fitness club, or fitness studio. See why Exercise.com is the best gym management software with TV workouts functionality, among many other things (booking, billing, workout delivery, messaging, etc.). Compare us to Mindbody, Wodify, SugarWOD, Zen Planner, and others to see why Exercise.com is the best software to run your entire gym in one place.

Exercise.com is simply the best. We were using three or four different apps or softwares to do what we can now do all in one with the Exercise.com platform.
Brandon Stroupe
Founder and President, APEC Sports Performance

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Best Gym TV Workouts Software Comparison

As a gym owner, you understand the importance of providing an engaging and motivating workout environment for your clients. One of the most effective ways to do this is by implementing gym TV workouts software that displays workouts, leaderboards, and other workout data on TV screens in your gym, fitness club, or fitness studio.

TV Workouts

With numerous options available, it can be challenging to choose the best gym management software that offers gym TV workouts functionality. In this article, we’ll compare Exercise.com with 5-7 other competitors to help you understand why Exercise.com is the best choice for gym owners looking for a comprehensive gym management solution that also contains the best gym leaderboard software, the best gym fitness challenge software, and the best custom-branded gym workout logging mobile apps, each of which work in a unified way with casting TV workouts on your fitness center television screens.

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Compare the below options for fitness club TV workout software options:

CompanyTV WorkoutsWorkout Plan CreationProgress TrackingClass SchedulingPayroll ManagementMember ManagementCustom Branding
Exercise.comYesYesYesYesThird-Party IntegrationYesYes
Beyond the Whiteboard (BTWB)YesYesYesLimitedNoLimitedLimited
Zen PlannerYesLimitedLimitedYesNoYesYes
TrainerizeThird-Party IntegrationYesYesYesNoYesYes
MindbodyThird-Party IntegrationLimitedLimitedYesYesYesYes

#1 Exercise.com Gym TV Workouts Software

Exercise.com is a powerful all-in-one gym management software designed to cater to gym owners’ unique needs. Its gym TV workouts functionality allows you to display workouts, leaderboards, and other workout data on TV screens throughout your facility. This feature enhances client engagement and motivation, fostering a sense of friendly competition among gym members. In addition, Exercise.com offers workout plan creation, progress tracking, class scheduling, payroll management, and more, making it the ideal solution for gym owners seeking a comprehensive gym management platform. Exercise.com is a comprehensive fitness business management software that offers a “TV Workouts” feature, enabling gyms to display workout routines on in-gym TVs. This feature provides a visual guide for members, enhancing the in-studio workout experience.


  • Comprehensive Management Features: From membership management to e-commerce capabilities, Exercise.com covers a wide range of gym operational needs.
  • Custom Branded App: The platform provides a custom-branded app, aligning with your gymā€™s branding for a professional touch.
  • Engaging TV Workouts: The TV Workouts feature facilitates an interactive workout experience in the gym.
  • Highly Customizable: The platform is adaptable to the specific needs of different fitness businesses.


  • Learning Curve: Due to its extensive features, there might be a learning curve for some users.
  • Pricing: The pricing might be on the higher side for smaller gyms or individual trainers.

Exercise.com stands out with its engaging TV Workouts feature and comprehensive suite of management tools. Its custom-branded app and high level of customization make it a superior choice for gyms looking to enhance the in-studio workout experience while streamlining operations.

Here’s just some of what you can do with the Exercise.com platform:

Cast gym TV workouts to in-gym TV screens quickly and efficiently.

TV Workouts

Manage multiple gym locations with ease.


Manage gym members with ease.

Client Management

Book appointments for parents and dependents with ease. (Read More: Best Gym Booking Software)


Engage with members via automations.

Gym Member Engagement

Gym check-in software that makes your life easy. (Read More: Best Gym Check-In Software)


Create classes and fitness groups.

Online Groups

Manage fitness challenges.


Create workout plans for parents and dependents, teams and more.

Workout Plan Creator

Process payments for open gym, classes, and personal training.

Gym Payments

Communicate with gym members, athletes, team members, personal training clients, class members, parents, and dependents via SMS, email, and in-app push notification.


Use fitness leaderboards to track event performance and inspire healthy competition.


View performance over time, track personal records, and other fitness stats with performance reporting dashboards.

Performance Reporting

And of course, view all of your gym business reports easily too.

Gym Reports

All from your custom-branded fitness apps.

Custom Branded Apps
Mike Boyle - Sled Push
“The Exercise.com team is amazing, and their all-in-one software is more than we ever expected! All of this is made possible by a high-quality team.”
Mike Boyle
Co-Founder, MBSC

Want to learn how your gym can take it to the next level? Get a demo now!

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#2 Wodify Gym TV Workouts Software

Wodify Review

Wodify is a popular gym management software that offers gym TV workouts functionality through its Wodify Live and Wodify Rise features. These tools allow you to display workout data, leaderboards, and fitness challenges on TV screens in your facility. While Wodify offers a range of gym management features, it primarily focuses on CrossFit and functional fitness facilities, which may not be suitable for gym owners catering to a broader range of clientele. Wodify offers a feature that allows for displaying workout of the day (WOD) and other performance data on TV screens in the gym. This creates an environment of competition and community among members.


  • CrossFit-Focused Features: Tailored to meet the needs of CrossFit gyms.
  • Performance Display: Allows for real-time display of workout data and leaderboards.
  • Community Engagement: Fosters a sense of community and competition among members.


  • Niche Focus: Primarily caters to CrossFit gyms which might not be suitable for all fitness niches.
  • User Interface: Some users might find the interface less intuitive compared to other platforms.
  • Customization Limitations: Less customizable compared to platforms like Exercise.com.

Wodify serves the niche of CrossFit gyms well with its real-time performance display. However, its lack of broader management features and customization options make Exercise.com a more well-rounded solution for various fitness businesses.

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#3 Beyond the Whiteboard (BTWB) Gym TV Workouts Software

BTWB Review

Beyond the Whiteboard is a gym management software that offers CrossFit box TV workouts software functionality through its BTWB TV feature. This tool allows you to display workouts, leaderboards, and other workout data on TV screens in your gym. Although BTWB provides comprehensive workout tracking and analysis tools, it is primarily geared towards CrossFit and functional fitness facilities, which may limit its appeal to gym owners with diverse clientele. Beyond the Whiteboard is a workout tracking platform for CrossFit enthusiasts. While it primarily focuses on workout tracking, it also allows for displaying workout and performance data on TV screens in the gym, promoting a competitive and communal environment.


  • CrossFit Community Engagement: Designed to foster a sense of community among CrossFit enthusiasts.
  • Workout Display: Allows for displaying workout data on in-gym TVs.
  • Performance Analytics: Provides detailed analytics on workout performance.


  • Niche Focus: Primarily caters to the CrossFit community.
  • Lack of Comprehensive Management Features: Does not offer extensive management tools like membership management or billing.
  • Customization Limitations: Less customizable compared to platforms like Exercise.com.

Beyond the Whiteboard caters to the CrossFit community with its workout display and tracking features. However, the lack of broader management features and customization makes Exercise.com a more comprehensive solution for various fitness businesses.

Read More: Best Beyond the Whiteboard (BTWB) Alternative

#4 Zen Planner Gym TV Workouts Software

Zen Planner Review

Zen Planner is a gym management software that offers a digital display feature for workouts and leaderboard data. This tool can enhance client engagement and motivation by displaying workout information on TV screens throughout your facility. However, Zen Planner’s primary focus is on member management, class scheduling, and billing, which may not provide the comprehensive workout plan creation and progress tracking features that Exercise.com offers. Zen Planner offers a digital display feature that allows gyms to showcase class schedules, workout of the day, and leaderboards on TV screens. This feature enhances the in-gym experience by providing visual guides and motivation to members.


  • Class Schedule Display: Facilitates easy viewing of class schedules on in-gym TVs.
  • Workout Display: Allows for displaying the workout of the day and performance data.
  • Leaderboard Feature: Promotes a competitive environment with its leaderboard display.


  • User Interface: Some users may find the interface less intuitive.
  • Customization Limitations: Less customizable compared to platforms like Exercise.com.
  • Reporting Features: Reporting features might not be as comprehensive as some other platforms.

Zen Planner enhances the in-gym experience with its digital display feature. However, its limitations in customization and reporting make Exercise.com a more adaptable and comprehensive solution for fitness businesses.

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#5 SugarWOD Gym TV Workouts Software

SugarWOD Review

SugarWOD is a gym management software that caters specifically to CrossFit and functional fitness facilities. Its gym TV workouts functionality allows you to display workout data, leaderboards, and fitness challenges on TV screens in your gym. While SugarWOD provides a range of features, its primary focus on CrossFit may not be suitable for gym owners looking to cater to a broader range of clientele. SugarWOD is a workout tracking software that also provides a feature for displaying workout data on TV screens in the gym. This feature allows for easy visualization of workouts and fosters a sense of community among members.


  • Workout Visualization: Facilitates easy viewing of workout data on in-gym TVs.
  • Community Engagement: Promotes community interaction with its workout display feature.
  • Performance Tracking: Tracks workout performance and progress over time.


  • Niche Focus: Primarily focused on CrossFit, which may not cater to all fitness niches.
  • Lack of Comprehensive Management Features: Does not provide extensive management tools like billing or member management.
  • Customization Limitations: Less customizable compared to more comprehensive solutions like Exercise.com.

SugarWOD stands strong in workout visualization and community engagement. However, its lack of comprehensive management features and customization options make Exercise.com a more well-rounded solution for various fitness businesses.

Read More: Best SugarWOD Alternative

#6 Trainerize Gym TV Workouts Software

Trainerize Review

Trainerize is a gym management software that offers the ability to display workout data, leaderboards, and other information on TV screens in your gym through third-party integrations. While Trainerize provides a variety of features, its primary focus is on personal training and remote coaching, which may not offer the comprehensive gym management solution that Exercise.com provides. Trainerize is a personal training software that provides a feature for displaying workout data on TV screens in the gym. This feature allows trainers to provide visual guides for workouts, enhancing the training experience.


  • Workout Display: Facilitates the display of workout data on in-gym TVs.
  • Personal Training Focus: Tailored for personal training scenarios.
  • Client Engagement: Provides tools for engaging clients in their training.


  • Lack of Comprehensive Management Features: Does not offer extensive management tools like membership management or billing.
  • Customization Limitations: Less customizable compared to platforms like Exercise.com.
  • Niche Focus: Primarily caters to personal training scenarios, which might not be suitable for all gym types.

Trainerize enhances the personal training experience with its workout display feature. However, its niche focus and lack of broader management features make Exercise.com a more versatile and comprehensive solution for various fitness businesses.

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#7 Mindbody Gym TV Workouts Software

Mindbody Review

Mindbody is a well-known gym management software that offers the ability to display workout data and leaderboards on TV screens in your facility through third-party integrations. Mindbody focuses primarily on class scheduling, member management, and billing, which may not provide the comprehensive workout plan creation, progress tracking, and payroll management features that Exercise.com offers. Mindbody is a business management software for the wellness industry, offering a feature to display class schedules and other information on TV screens in the gym. This feature provides a visual guide for members regarding class schedules and other gym activities.


  • Class Schedule Display: Allows for easy viewing of class schedules on in-gym TVs.
  • Wellness Industry Focus: Tailored to cater to the broader wellness industry including gyms, spas, and salons.
  • Management Features: Provides a range of management features like scheduling, billing, and member management.


  • User Interface: Some users may find the interface less intuitive.
  • Customization Limitations: Less customizable compared to platforms like Exercise.com.
  • Pricing: The pricing might be on the higher side for smaller gyms or individual trainers.

Mindbody provides a good solution for displaying class schedules and other information on in-gym TVs. However, its limitations in customization and potentially higher pricing make Exercise.com a more cost-effective and adaptable solution for fitness businesses.

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Ways to Use Gym TV Workout Software

  1. Displaying Daily Workouts: Gym owners can use the TV workouts functionality to display the day’s workout routine on TV screens throughout the facility. This helps clients easily view and follow the workout plan, reducing the need for printed materials or additional staff guidance. This ease of access can lead to increased client satisfaction and retention, ultimately impacting revenue positively.
  2. Hosting Fitness Challenges: Gym owners can use the TV workouts software to host and display fitness challenges on TV screens, encouraging gym members to participate and compete with each other. By fostering a sense of community and friendly competition, gym owners can improve client engagement and motivation, leading to higher attendance and potential membership upgrades, positively impacting revenue. Learn how to host a fitness challenge or how to run a fitness competition and get fitness challenge ideas for your gym.
  3. Showcasing Personal Training Success Stories: By displaying personal training success stories, testimonials, and before-and-after photos on the TV screens, gym owners can promote their personal training services and demonstrate their trainers’ expertise. This increased visibility can drive interest in personal training packages, leading to an uptick in sales and overall business impact.
  4. Displaying Real-Time Heart Rate Monitoring: Gym owners can use the TV workouts software to display real-time heart rate monitoring data for members using compatible heart rate monitors. This feature provides clients with instant feedback on their workout intensity and helps trainers guide members more effectively, resulting in a better workout experience. This improved experience can lead to increased client satisfaction, retention, and ultimately, higher revenue.
  5. Promoting Upcoming Events and Workshops: Gym owners can use the TV workouts software to display promotional materials for upcoming events, workshops, or special classes on the TV screens throughout the facility. This increased visibility can drive member participation and interest in these events, generating additional revenue streams for the gym. Get gym event ideas for your gym.
  6. Highlighting Member Achievements: Gym owners can use the TV workouts functionality to showcase member achievements, such as personal records or milestones, on TV screens. By celebrating and recognizing member accomplishments, gym owners can foster a sense of community and boost motivation, leading to increased client satisfaction, retention, and potentially higher revenue.
  7. Advertising Partnerships and Promotions: Gym owners can leverage the TV workouts software to display advertisements or promotional offers from partner businesses, such as local health food stores or massage therapists, on the TV screens. This strategy can generate additional revenue through advertising fees or commission-based partnerships, while also providing value-added services and promotions to gym members. Read the gym partnership marketing guide for more information.

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AMPD Golf Performance
“Working with Exercise.com and their team has been an amazing experience and a dream come true in terms of accomplishing a vision! Their workout technology has helped us effectively engage our community, and I highly recommend Exercise.com to grow your business!”
Andrew Banner
Co-Founder, AMPD Golf Performance

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What is the best functional training studio software for displaying workout performance data on in-gym TVs?

Exercise.com is the best functional training studio software. Exercise.com’s “TV Workouts” feature allows for displaying workout routines on in-gym TVs, facilitating a visual guide for members during their training sessions. This feature, combined with its comprehensive fitness business management tools, makes Exercise.com a top choice for functional training studios. Its robust platform not only enhances in-studio workout experiences but also streamlines various operational tasks, providing a holistic solution for fitness business owners.

What are the best commercial grade TVs for use in a commercial gym?

When selecting a commercial-grade TV for a gym, key factors include screen size, durability, and smart capabilities. High-end options like the Samsung QM Series offer 4K resolution and robust build quality but come at a premium price. LG’s UH5F-H Series and Sony’s XBR-X900H also provide excellent displays and are well-suited for well-lit and high-traffic areas. For budget-friendly options, the NEC E Series and Panasonic TH-43SF2U offer reliability and essential features, although they may lack advanced smart features or 4K resolution. The right choice will depend on your specific needs and budget.

What types of workouts can I display on TV screens using Exercise.com’s gym TV workouts software?

With Exercise.com, you can display various types of workouts, including daily workout routines, personal training sessions, group class exercises, and fitness challenges on the TV screens in your gym. The flexibility of the platform ensures that you can cater to the diverse workout preferences of your gym members.

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How can gym TV workouts software improve client engagement and motivation?

By displaying workouts, leaderboards, fitness challenges, and other workout data on TV screens, gym TV workouts software encourages friendly competition and fosters a sense of community among gym members. This increased engagement and motivation can lead to higher attendance, better workout performance, and improved client satisfaction and retention.

Read More: Fitness Challenge Ideas for Your Gym

Can I customize the display and layout of the gym TV workouts software with Exercise.com?

With Exercise.com, you have the flexibility to customize the display and layout of the gym TV workouts software, aligning it with your gym’s branding and aesthetic preferences. This customization extends to gym screens and gym display options, allowing you to create a visually appealing workout environment that enhances the overall member experience. Whether you’re aiming for a specific theme or want to incorporate your gym’s logo and colors, Exercise.com’s platform ensures that your gym visual alternatives reflect your brand identity.

How do I integrate the gym TV workouts software with my existing gym management system?

Integrating Exercise.com’s gym TV workouts software with your existing gym management system is seamless, thanks to its comprehensive platform that includes gym workout software, class scheduling, and member management. This integration ensures that all aspects of your gym’s operations, from fitness programs on TV to progress tracking, work cohesively under one system. Exercise.com’s platform is designed to complement and enhance your current setup, making it a versatile choice for gyms looking to add dynamic TV workout apps to their offerings.

Can I display real-time workout data, such as heart rate monitoring, on the TV screens?

Yes, a gym TV app supports the display of real-time workout data, including heart rate monitoring, on your gym’s TV screens. This feature enhances the workout experience by providing immediate feedback to members through fitness studio performance display options, helping them stay informed about their workout intensity and performance. The capability to show live data such as heart rate ensures that trainers can offer timely guidance and members can adjust their effort levels for optimal results, making Exercise.com’s solution a valuable addition to any tv for fitness centers or tv gym equipment setup.

Is Exercise.com’s gym TV workouts software suitable for gyms with multiple locations?

Absolutely, Exercise.com’s gym TV workouts software is perfectly suited for gyms with multiple locations, offering a centralized solution that ensures consistency across all your facilities. The software’s capability to manage and display fitness programs on TV, along with tv workout apps and tv for gyms, makes it an ideal choice for maintaining a uniform workout experience. Whether it’s displaying gym workout software content or utilizing tv in gym for engaging workout sessions, Exercise.com provides a cohesive platform that enhances your gym’s brand and member experience at every location.

Exercise.com’s platform is designed with scalability in mind, making it a versatile option for gym chains looking to offer tv fitness app services and tv for fitness centers. By leveraging this software, you can ensure that every tv for gym across your locations contributes to an engaging, motivating, and consistent fitness environment for all members.

Read More: Best Gym Multi-Location Software

Can I use the gym TV workouts software to promote upcoming events, workshops, or special classes?

Yes, Exercise.com’s gym TV workouts software enables you to display promotional materials for upcoming events, workshops, or special classes on the TV screens in your facility. This increased visibility can drive member participation and interest in these events, helping you to generate additional revenue streams for your gym.

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Compare the Best TV Workout Software for Gyms

When it comes to gym TV workouts software, Exercise.com stands out as the best gym management software for gym owners. Its comprehensive features, including workout plan creation, progress tracking, class management, and more.

Each of the platforms compared offers unique features to enhance the in-gym experience through TV displays. However, Exercise.com stands out with its highly customizable platform, comprehensive management features, and engaging TV Workouts feature. Its ability to adapt to the specific needs of different fitness businesses, coupled with its custom-branded app, makes it a superior choice for gyms looking to enhance the in-gym workout experience while streamlining operations.

Jimmy Myers Relentless Sports Performance
If you want to offer an elite service for the end user you need to get with the times and use elite level software that is intuitive, visually appealing, and effective. That is exactly what Exercise.com delivers to its clients.
Jimmy Myers
Owner/Trainer, Relentless Sports Performance

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Tyler Spraul is the director of UX and the head trainer for Exercise.com. He has his Bachelor of Science degree in pre-medicine and is an NSCA-Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®). He is a former All-American soccer player and still coaches soccer today. In his free time, he enjoys reading, learning, and living the dad life.
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