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17+ Common Gym Member Complaints and How to Handle Them

17+ Common Gym Member Complaints and How to Handle Them

Posted by Tyler Spraul, Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®) on September 26, 2024 ā€” Updated on September 26, 2024

Learn how to handle gym member complaints with these most common gym complaints and the specific best practices for responding to a gym member complaint (without losing your mind!).

Gym Member Complaints

Ahh, complaining gym members… It happens more than you think. Here are some gym member complaint statistics that drive that point home:

Common Gym Member Complaints

These gym membership statistics highlight some of the most common issues that gym members report experiencing. Overcrowding, especially during peak hours, is the top complaint, followed by unavailability of equipment. Cleanliness concerns and high membership costs round out the top four recurring gym member issues.

ComplaintPercentage of Members
Equipment unavailability38%
Cleanliness issues32%
High membership costs30%
Poor customer service25%
Limited class schedules22%
Outdated equipment20%
Lack of amenities18%
Inconvenient location/hours15%
Pushy sales tactics12%

While it’s certainly true that there are just some things that drive gym owners crazy, the best gym owners focus on making their gym member happy (revolutionary!) It’s important to note that addressing these common health club complaints can significantly increase gym member retention.

For example, gyms that actively work to reduce overcrowding and maintain clean facilities tend to have higher member satisfaction rates. Additionally, offering flexible gym membership options with a solid gym pricing strategy, improving gym customer service, staying on top of handling gym maintenance issues, etc. can help alleviate some of the financial and experiential concerns gym members have.

Fitness Income Ideas

Gym owners and managers can use this information to prioritize improvements and enhance the overall member experience. By focusing on these key areas of concern, gyms can potentially reduce membership cancellations and improve long-term retention rates. Managing gym member complaints effectively is essential for maintaining a positive gym environment and both retaining gym members and getting more gym members that will stick and who will increase your gym’s positive word of mouth, and not detract from it. Addressing gym complaints promptly and professionally can turn a negative experience into a long-term relationship, and ultimately increase gym profitability.

Having a successful gym requires learning how to manage a gym effectively, and learning how to provide great gym customer service to your gym members is paramount. Read on for 15 common gym member complaints and specific guidance on how to handle each one.

See why Exercise.com is the best gym business management software to help streamline these solutions. With features like scheduling, task management, maintenance tracking, and member communication tools, Exercise.com allows you to efficiently manage your gym, enhance the member experience, and keep your business running smoothly. Book a demo today to see how Exercise.com can transform your gym management.

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1. Overcrowded Gym

Complaint: Members often feel frustrated when they can’t access equipment or space due to overcrowding, especially during peak hours.

How to Handle:

  • Provide alternative times: Offer suggestions for quieter times to visit the gym.
  • Expand operating hours: Consider opening earlier or closing later to spread out member traffic.
  • Set up a booking system: Use software like Exercise.com to allow members to reserve equipment or time slots, reducing congestion during peak times.

2. Dirty or Unsanitary Conditions

Complaint: Dirty equipment, messy locker rooms, or lack of cleanliness can be a major turn-off for members.

How to Handle:

  • Implement a strict cleaning schedule: Increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting, particularly during busy hours.
  • Encourage member responsibility: Post reminders for members to wipe down equipment after use.
  • Hire additional cleaning staff: If cleanliness is a persistent issue, consider hiring more staff to keep up with the demand.

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3. Broken or Malfunctioning Equipment

Complaint: Members get frustrated when equipment is constantly broken or not functioning properly.

How to Handle:

  • Address repairs quickly: Use maintenance tracking software like Exercise.com to monitor equipment status and schedule prompt repairs.
  • Post repair updates: Keep members informed about equipment repairs with notices, both on-site and through email or text.
  • Have backup options: If certain equipment is down for maintenance, suggest alternative machines that offer similar workouts.

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4. Long Wait Times for Equipment

Complaint: Members may be unhappy about having to wait a long time to use popular equipment during peak times.

How to Handle:

  • Set time limits: Implement time limits on high-demand equipment, such as treadmills, during busy periods.
  • Offer class alternatives: Promote group fitness classes that reduce equipment demand and provide an alternative workout.
  • Increase equipment availability: If possible, add more popular machines to accommodate demand.

Read More: Best Group Fitness Software

5. Unfriendly or Unhelpful Staff

Complaint: Members may complain about rude, inattentive, or unhelpful staff interactions.

How to Handle:

  • Provide staff training: Regularly train staff on customer service, communication, and problem-solving skills.
  • Address complaints individually: Follow up with members who report staff issues to understand their experience and offer an apology or compensation if necessary.
  • Reward positive staff behavior: Encourage excellent customer service by rewarding staff members who receive positive feedback.

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6. Music Choice or Volume

Complaint: Music volume or choice can be too loud, too soft, or simply not appealing to the majority of members.

How to Handle:

  • Adjust volume based on feedback: Monitor volume levels and adjust them based on member preferences, especially during different times of day.
  • Offer diverse playlists: Rotate between various music genres to cater to different preferences.
  • Allow personal listening options: Encourage members to use their own headphones and provide auxiliary jacks for cardio machines.

7. Temperature Issues

Complaint: Some members may feel the gym is too hot or too cold, making their workouts uncomfortable.

How to Handle:

  • Monitor HVAC settings: Regularly check the gymā€™s heating and cooling systems to ensure optimal temperature.
  • Create temperature zones: If possible, set different temperature zones in areas like weight rooms and cardio sections.
  • Provide fans or ventilation: Offer extra ventilation in high-activity areas to keep members cool.

Read More: How to Reduce Gym Utility Bills

8. Poor Class Scheduling

Complaint: Members may find class schedules inconvenient or complain about limited class variety.

How to Handle:

  • Survey members: Ask for feedback on which times and types of classes are preferred.
  • Offer diverse class options: Expand class offerings to include different times and styles, such as early morning, lunchtime, and evening sessions.
  • Allow class reservations: Use Exercise.comā€™s scheduling tools to let members book classes in advance, reducing frustration with availability.

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9. Unclear Membership Terms or Billing Issues

Complaint: Members may feel theyā€™ve been overcharged or that the terms of their membership werenā€™t communicated clearly.

How to Handle:

  • Review contract details at sign-up: Make sure all membership terms, fees, and cancellation policies are clearly communicated when members sign up.
  • Address billing issues promptly: If a member disputes a charge, address the issue immediately and provide transparent explanations.
  • Offer flexible billing options: Provide payment options, such as monthly auto-pay, to simplify the process for members.

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10. Inconsistent Trainer Availability

Complaint: Members may have trouble booking sessions with personal trainers due to limited availability.

How to Handle:

  • Increase trainer availability: Hire more trainers or adjust existing trainer schedules to better accommodate member demand.
  • Offer online training options: Use platforms like Exercise.com to offer virtual training sessions when in-person slots are full.
  • Implement a booking system: Allow members to book trainer sessions in advance, ensuring they can secure a slot that fits their schedule.

11. Lack of Parking Availability

Complaint: Limited parking spaces or crowded lots can be frustrating for members, especially during peak hours.

How to Handle:

  • Encourage off-peak visits: Suggest members come during less busy hours when parking is more available.
  • Partner with nearby businesses: Arrange for overflow parking during peak times with nearby businesses or lots.
  • Provide bike racks or incentives for alternative transport: Encourage members to walk, bike, or use public transport by offering perks or discounts.

12. Poor Wi-Fi Connection

Complaint: Members may expect reliable Wi-Fi, especially for streaming workouts or listening to music, and may complain if the connection is weak.

How to Handle:

  • Upgrade your Wi-Fi service: Invest in a strong, gym-wide Wi-Fi system that can handle the load of multiple users.
  • Designate Wi-Fi zones: Set up dedicated areas where members can expect a stronger connection, such as cardio rooms.
  • Troubleshoot connectivity issues: Regularly monitor and troubleshoot the connection to avoid disruptions.

13. Uncomfortable or Broken Locker Rooms

Complaint: Broken lockers, poor cleanliness, or lack of amenities can cause dissatisfaction with locker room facilities.

How to Handle:

  • Schedule regular inspections: Have staff regularly inspect locker rooms for cleanliness, functionality, and safety.
  • Fix broken lockers promptly: Address any broken or malfunctioning lockers as soon as possible.
  • Add amenities: Consider offering additional amenities like toiletries, towel service, or more seating to improve the locker room experience.

14. Lack of Available Classes

Complaint: Members may express frustration if popular classes are fully booked or unavailable during their preferred times.

How to Handle:

  • Offer waitlists: Use software like Exercise.com to offer waitlists and notify members when spots become available.
  • Expand class offerings: Add more sessions of popular classes, either by increasing the number of instructors or adjusting the schedule.
  • Provide on-demand options: Use on-demand class videos for members to access at any time if live classes are full.

15. Membership Cancellation Difficulties

Complaint: Members may feel frustrated if the cancellation process is overly complicated or requires too much effort.

How to Handle:

  • Simplify the cancellation process: Offer an easy-to-understand, hassle-free cancellation process, clearly outlined in the membership agreement.
  • Follow up on cancellations: Reach out to members who cancel to ask for feedback and see if thereā€™s a way to retain them.
  • Offer flexible hold options: Allow members to put their membership on hold instead of canceling, especially for temporary situations like travel or injury.

Read More: How to Increase Gym Member Retention

16. High Membership Costs

Complaint: Some members may feel that the gymā€™s membership fees are too high for the services offered.

How to Handle:

  • Offer flexible pricing plans: Introduce a range of membership options, including lower-cost basic plans, to accommodate different budgets.
  • Highlight the value: Emphasize the unique offerings of your gym, such as specialized classes, top-tier equipment, or personal training options, to justify the membership cost.
  • Provide discounts or promotions: Offer periodic discounts or special promotions to attract price-sensitive members.

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17. Outdated Equipment

Complaint: Members may be dissatisfied with old or outdated equipment that doesnā€™t meet their fitness needs or expectations.

How to Handle:

  • Upgrade equipment periodically: Regularly invest in new machines and technology to stay competitive and meet member expectations.
  • Rotate equipment use: Move equipment around the gym to keep the layout fresh and maintain a sense of variety.
  • Solicit member feedback: Ask members for their input on what new equipment theyā€™d like to see and prioritize those items in your upgrade plan.

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18. Lack of Amenities

Complaint: Members may be unhappy with the lack of extra amenities like towels, Wi-Fi, or comfortable locker rooms.

How to Handle:

  • Add high-demand amenities: Consider providing popular amenities such as towel service, free Wi-Fi, water stations, or high-quality toiletries in locker rooms.
  • Enhance locker room comfort: Upgrade locker rooms with more seating, better lighting, and mirrors to improve the member experience.
  • Offer premium memberships: For members willing to pay more, offer an upgraded membership that includes extra amenities.

Read More: Best Gym Features and Amenities

19. Inconvenient Location/Hours

Complaint: Members may find the gymā€™s location or hours of operation inconvenient for their schedules.

How to Handle:

  • Extend hours: If feasible, adjust the gymā€™s operating hours to accommodate early morning or late-night workouts.
  • Open satellite locations: If your gym is in high demand, consider opening additional locations to serve members in different areas.
  • Offer virtual classes: For members who canā€™t visit the gym at convenient times, offer virtual workouts and training sessions via Exercise.comā€™s online platform.

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20. Pushy Sales Tactics

Complaint: Members or prospects may feel pressured by overly aggressive sales tactics, whether for memberships, personal training, or additional services.

How to Handle:

  • Train staff on customer-focused sales: Shift the focus from hard sales to understanding members’ needs and offering solutions that fit.
  • Provide transparency: Make pricing, contract terms, and additional services clear from the start to avoid creating pressure.
  • Offer trial periods: Give prospects the chance to try out the gym or services without commitment, easing the sales process.

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Addressing common gym member complaints effectively can make all the difference in maintaining member satisfaction and loyalty. By providing clear communication, timely solutions, and thoughtful improvements, you can create a positive environment that retains members and enhances their experience. Tools like Exercise.com can assist with many of these solutions, from scheduling to communication, ensuring that your gym runs smoothly and your members stay happy. Book a demo today to see how Exercise.com can help you optimize your gymā€™s operations and enhance the member experience!

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How do you deal with difficult gym members?

Dealing with difficult gym members involves maintaining professionalism, listening to their concerns, and addressing issues calmly. If a member is disruptive or disrespectful, remind them of gym policies and etiquette. If necessary, involve management for a formal discussion. Keeping communication open and providing clear guidelines helps manage member behavior effectively.

What is bad gym etiquette?

Bad gym etiquette includes behaviors such as hogging equipment, failing to re-rack weights, using equipment without wiping it down, loud conversations, and disrespecting personal space. Additionally, interrupting others’ workouts or not following gym rules can create an uncomfortable environment. Gyms should promote positive etiquette to maintain a respectful atmosphere.

How should a gym handle personal trainer client romantic relationships?

Gyms should establish clear policies regarding personal trainer-client romantic relationships to avoid conflicts of interest and maintain professionalism. If a relationship develops, it’s best for the trainer to disclose it to management and possibly transfer the client to another trainer. This helps prevent potential issues and ensures the integrity of the training environment.

Read More: How should a gym handle personal trainer client romantic relationships?

What to do if someone bothers a gym member at the gym?

If someone bothers a gym member, the affected member should first address the issue directly if they feel comfortable doing so. If the situation persists, they should notify a gym staff member or manager. Staff should intervene promptly, ensuring a safe and respectful environment for all members.

What are the gym etiquette rules gyms should enforce?

Gyms should enforce rules such as:

  • Wiping down equipment after use.
  • Re-racking weights and returning equipment to its proper place.
  • Respecting personal space and not interrupting others.
  • Maintaining a reasonable noise level.
  • Wearing appropriate workout attire.
    Clear signage and regular reminders can help reinforce these rules.

How do you enforce gym etiquette?

To enforce gym etiquette, gyms should:

  • Clearly communicate rules through signage and orientation for new members.
  • Provide training for staff on handling etiquette issues.
  • Address violations immediately and privately to maintain member dignity.
  • Encourage members to report issues to staff for resolution. Regular reminders and positive reinforcement can help maintain a respectful atmosphere.

What are the unspoken rules of the gym?

Unspoken rules of the gym often include:

  • Respecting personal space and not invading others’ workout areas.
  • Avoiding excessive socializing that interrupts others’ workouts.
  • Using headphones to minimize noise and distractions.
  • Being mindful of how long you occupy equipment during peak hours.
  • Dressing appropriately for workouts.

How to handle complaints in the gym quickly and professionally?

To handle complaints quickly and professionally:

  1. Listen actively to the memberā€™s concerns without interruption.
  2. Acknowledge their feelings and validate their concerns.
  3. Offer a solution or ask how you can resolve the issue.
  4. Follow up after the resolution to ensure satisfaction.
    Using gym management software like Exercise.com can help track complaints and resolutions for future reference.

How to increase gym member retention?

To increase gym member retention, focus on providing excellent customer service, regular communication, and personalized experiences. Offering loyalty programs, hosting events, and regularly gathering feedback can also enhance member satisfaction. Exercise.com helps manage member engagement, track usage, and facilitate communication, which can improve retention rates.

Read More: How to increase gym member retention?

How to improve gym customer service?

Improve gym customer service by training staff to be attentive, approachable, and knowledgeable. Regularly gather member feedback to identify areas for improvement, and respond promptly to inquiries or concerns. Building a community atmosphere through events and engagement helps foster positive relationships. Exercise.com can help streamline communication and manage member interactions effectively.

Read More: How to improve gym customer service?

Should a gym ever kick a gym member out of the gym?

Yes, a gym may need to kick a member out if they consistently violate gym policies, display aggressive behavior, or create a disruptive environment. Such actions should be handled professionally, with a clear explanation of the reasons for the decision. Documentation of incidents is essential for transparency.

What should a gym do if a member is exercising dangerously?

If a member is exercising dangerously, staff should intervene immediately, politely explaining the risks involved and providing guidance on proper technique. If necessary, offer to provide a demonstration or recommend working with a personal trainer. Safety should always be the top priority, and exercise management tools can help track member progress and areas needing improvement.

Should a gym ever confront a gym member about poor hygiene?

Yes, if a member’s poor hygiene impacts the experience of others, it may be necessary to address the issue privately and respectfully. Provide them with resources or suggestions for improving hygiene, such as reminders about using towels and showering before workouts. Sensitivity and discretion are crucial in handling such matters.

Why do some people cry at the gym?

People may cry at the gym due to a range of emotions, including frustration, stress relief, or emotional release during intense workouts. The gym can be a place where individuals confront personal challenges, and physical exertion can trigger emotional responses. Encouraging a supportive environment can help members feel safe expressing their emotions.

Is it rude to talk loudly in the gym?

Yes, talking loudly in the gym can be considered rude, as it disrupts other membersā€™ workouts and creates an uncomfortable environment. It’s important to maintain a reasonable noise level and be considerate of others. Gym staff should remind members about maintaining a respectful volume.

What is an example of poor etiquette in a fitness center?

An example of poor etiquette in a fitness center includes hogging equipment for extended periods during peak hours without offering to let others work in or not wiping down machines after use. Such behavior can frustrate other members and detract from the overall experience.

Should a gym publish do’s and don’ts at the gym?

Yes, a gym should publish clear do’s and don’ts to establish expectations for member behavior. Signage or handouts can serve as reminders of proper etiquette, helping to maintain a respectful and enjoyable environment for all members.

What is inappropriate to wear to the gym?

Inappropriate gym attire includes clothing that is overly revealing, offensive, or does not provide adequate coverage for movement. Members should be encouraged to wear comfortable, functional workout gear that allows for a full range of motion while adhering to gym policies.

What are some things that drive gym owners crazy?

Common frustrations for gym owners include:

  • Members not following gym etiquette (e.g., not re-racking weights).
  • High member turnover rates.
  • Equipment not being properly maintained.
  • Staff not adhering to protocols.
  • Poor communication with members.

Addressing these issues proactively can help create a better environment for both members and staff.

Read More: Things that Drive Gym Owners Crazy

What are some gym red flag situations that members have?

Red flag situations include:

  • Equipment that appears unsafe or is poorly maintained.
  • Members displaying aggressive behavior or making others uncomfortable.
  • Inadequate cleanliness or hygiene standards.
  • Staff that are unapproachable or dismissive of concerns.
    Encouraging members to report these issues helps maintain a safe environment.

How can the best gym management software help a gym resolve gym complaints?

The best gym management software, like Exercise.com, helps track and manage complaints efficiently. It allows gym owners and staff to document issues, monitor resolutions, and analyze patterns over time. Automated follow-ups and communication tools can enhance member satisfaction and ensure that concerns are addressed promptly, fostering a positive gym environment.

Jimmy Myers Relentless Sports Performance
If you want to offer an elite service for the end user you need to get with the times and use elite level software that is intuitive, visually appealing, and effective. That is exactly what Exercise.com delivers to its clients.
Jimmy Myers
Owner/Trainer, Relentless Sports Performance

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Tyler Spraul is the director of UX and the head trainer for Exercise.com. He has his Bachelor of Science degree in pre-medicine and is an NSCA-Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®). He is a former All-American soccer player and still coaches soccer today. In his free time, he enjoys reading, learning, and living the dad life.
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