Home How to Make a Fitness App
How to Make a Martial Arts App (Fast!) in 2024

How to Make a Martial Arts App (Fast!) in 2024

Posted by Tyler Spraul, Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®) on April 21, 2024 ā€” Updated on April 21, 2024

Learn how to make a martial arts app with martial arts class booking, scheduling, payments, training, belt tracking, messaging, and more.

How to Make a Martial Arts App

To create a martial arts app effectively, the most efficient route is by leveraging the capabilities of Exercise.com, a platform that provides specialized tools tailored for the fitness industry. Creating a martial arts app from scratch can be an arduous and costly venture, requiring extensive technical and industry-specific knowledge. Instead, using Exercise.com allows martial arts instructors and gym owners to quickly deploy a feature-rich martial arts training app, tailored to the unique needs of martial arts training.

Our overall experience with Exercise.com is a breeze. We love how easy it is to integrate this app with our current workflow while providing great fitness programs for our customers and save us time in the process.
Julie Ledbetter
Owner, Ledbetter Fitness

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Exercise.com is an ideal choice for those in the martial arts community looking to expand their digital offerings. The platform simplifies app development by providing built-in features essential for martial arts training, such as class scheduling, student progress tracking, and video tutorials.

Book martial arts classes in your dojo or virtually using your martial arts app (custom branded to your martial arts branding).


Create martial arts training plans for your students to do at home.

Exercise Library

Offer messaging and powerful automations.

Gym Marketing Automations

And much, much more.

By choosing Exercise.com, you can focus more on delivering high-quality martial arts instruction and less on the complexities of martial arts studio app development.

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Hereā€™s a step-by-step guide on how to utilize Exercise.com to create a comprehensive martial arts app free of stress and with no coding. Then see why the best martial arts studio software, the best gym software, the best personal training software, and the best fitness software for fitness influencers is all found on the Exercise.com platform.

Core Online Mobile Fitness App
“My custom-branded apps have made my life easier and helped streamline my online training, which in turn has transformed into a pretty awesome additional revenue stream for me and my family.”
Tony Gentilcore
Founder, Core Online

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Step #1 – Plan Your Appā€™s Features

Before starting the martial arts app development, it’s crucial to outline the features that will best serve your martial arts community.

  • Class Schedules and Booking: Enable students to view class times and book sessions easily.
  • Video Libraries: Offer on-demand video tutorials and demonstrations of martial arts techniques.
  • Progress Tracking: Allow students and instructors to track skill progression and belt advancements.

Exercise.com offers customizable features that cater specifically to these needs, making it the preferred platform for creating martial arts apps.

Step #2 – Design a User-Friendly Interface

A martial arts app should be intuitive and easy to navigate to ensure it is accessible to all users, regardless of their tech savviness.

  • Simple Navigation: Design the app with a straightforward layout that new users can understand easily.
  • Brand Integration: Incorporate your dojoā€™s branding elements to maintain consistency across all platforms.
  • Mobile Compatibility: Ensure the app is optimized for both iOS and Android devices to reach a wider audience.

With Exercise.com, you can utilize professional martial arts app design templates that are adaptable to your specific branding and functional requirements.

Step #3 – Incorporate Engagement Tools

To keep martial arts students engaged and motivated, integrate features that foster interaction and continuous learning.

  • Interactive Quizzes: Test studentsā€™ knowledge of martial arts techniques and history.
  • Community Features: Build a community forum where students can discuss techniques, share experiences, and support each other.
  • Event and Tournament Scheduling: Manage and promote dojo events and tournaments directly within the app.

Exercise.com supports these functionalities, enabling you to create a dynamic and interactive environment within your martial arts app.

Step #4 – Ensure Robust Security and Reliability

Security is paramount, especially when handling users’ personal and payment information.

  • Secure Payments: Implement secure payment gateways for class bookings and merchandise sales.
  • Data Encryption: Protect all user data with high-level encryption protocols.
  • Regular Updates: Maintain the appā€™s performance and security with regular updates provided by Exercise.com.

Exercise.comā€™s platform is built with security at its core, providing peace of mind for both you and your students.

Step #5 – Test and Launch Your App

Before fully launching your martial arts app, conduct thorough testing to ensure everything works as intended.

  • Beta Testing: Invite a select group of users to test the app and provide feedback on its functionality and user experience.
  • Marketing Strategy: Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy to launch your app, including email campaigns, social media announcements, and in-dojo promotions.
  • Feedback Implementation: Use the initial feedback to make necessary adjustments before the official launch.

By following these steps with Exercise.com, you can efficiently create a martial arts app that not only enhances your training capabilities but also extends your reach within the martial arts community. Ready to bring your martial arts training into the digital age? Book a demo with Exercise.com today and discover how easy it is to build a custom app tailored to your specific needs.

Mike Boyle - Sled Push
“The Exercise.com team is amazing, and their all-in-one software is more than we ever expected! All of this is made possible by a high-quality team.”
Mike Boyle
Co-Founder, MBSC

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10 Most Important Martial Arts App Features

Developing a martial arts app requires incorporating features that enhance the learning experience for students and streamline management tasks for instructors or gym owners. Here are the ten most essential features to consider integrating into a martial arts app:

#1 Class Scheduling and Booking

  • Functionality: Enables students to easily view class schedules, book sessions, and manage their bookings.
  • Importance: Essential for maintaining an organized class structure and ensuring optimal class sizes.

#2 Video Tutorials and Demonstrations

  • Functionality: Provides students with access to high-quality instructional videos that demonstrate techniques and forms.
  • Importance: Helps students practice outside of class and reinforces learning.

#3 Belt Tracking and Progression

  • Functionality: Allows students and instructors to track progress through different belt levels and set goals.
  • Importance: Motivates students by clearly showing their progress and next steps in their martial arts journey.

#4 Event and Tournament Management

  • Functionality: Facilitates the planning and execution of in-house tournaments and external events.
  • Importance: Keeps the community informed and engaged with upcoming martial arts activities.

#5 Payment Processing

  • Functionality: Integrates secure payment solutions for membership fees, class bookings, and merchandise.
  • Importance: Simplifies financial transactions for both students and the administration.

#6 Student Forums and Community Boards

  • Functionality: Provides a platform for students to interact, share experiences, and offer support.
  • Importance: Fosters a strong sense of community and belonging within the martial arts school.

#7 Attendance Tracking

  • Functionality: Allows instructors to easily track and record attendance for each class.
  • Importance: Helps in monitoring student participation and consistency.

#8 Push Notifications

  • Functionality: Sends timely notifications for class reminders, updates, and motivational messages.
  • Importance: Keeps students engaged and informed about their martial arts training and school events.

#9 Fitness and Training Logs

  • Functionality: Enables students to log their workouts and any supplementary training.
  • Importance: Useful for students and instructors to review and plan future training sessions.

#10 Performance Analytics

  • Functionality: Provides detailed analytics on studentsā€™ progress, class attendance, and app usage.
  • Importance: Offers valuable insights for instructors to tailor their teaching methods and for students to understand their performance.

These features not only enhance the functionality of a martial arts app but also significantly improve the engagement and retention of students. Platforms like Exercise.com specialize in building customized fitness apps, including those for martial arts, providing all these essential features integrated into one seamless solution. By choosing a robust platform like Exercise.com, you can ensure your martial arts app is a valuable resource for both instructors and students, facilitating a more effective and engaging training environment. Ready to start building your comprehensive martial arts app? Book a demo with Exercise.com today and take your martial arts school to the next level.

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How do you set up a martial arts club app?

To set up a martial arts club app, begin by defining the key functionalities that will benefit your club and its members, such as class schedules, event registrations, membership management, and video tutorials. Use a platform like Exercise.com, which offers customizable app development tailored to fitness and martial arts clubs. This platform allows you to integrate these essential features and brand the app according to your clubā€™s identity, providing a seamless user experience for your members.

How to make a martial arts school organized with an app?

Making your martial arts school organized with an app involves integrating features that streamline administrative tasks and enhance communication. Key features should include:

  • Class scheduling and booking: Allows students to view class times and book their spots through the app.
  • Membership management: Manages sign-ups, renewals, and billing directly within the app.
  • Push notifications: Sends updates about classes, events, or promotions directly to studentsā€™ devices.
  • Progress tracking: Helps students track their training progress and achievements.
    A platform like Exercise.com can facilitate these functionalities, significantly improving organization and efficiency.

How do I use my martial arts app to train my students?

Use your martial arts app to train students by incorporating interactive and educational content such as video tutorials, live-streamed classes, and detailed guides on different martial arts techniques. You can also implement features that allow for personal feedback and progress tracking to enhance the training experience. This not only helps in delivering structured training programs but also allows students to practice and learn at their own pace, providing a flexible training environment.

How do you grow a dojo?

Growing a dojo can be achieved through several strategies:

  1. Enhanced marketing: Use social media, local advertising, and community events to increase visibility.
  2. Referral programs: Encourage current members to bring friends or family through incentives.
  3. Diversifying offerings: Include various martial arts styles, self-defense classes, and workshops to attract a broader audience.
  4. Retaining members: Focus on creating a strong community feel and continuous value through regular events, updated classes, and active engagement.

How much does a martial arts app cost?

Developing a martial arts app can vary in cost from around $20,000 to $100,000 or more, depending on whether you choose custom development or a platform solution. Utilizing a customizable platform like Exercise.com can significantly reduce these costs, providing pre-built functionalities specific to martial arts training and management at a more affordable price.

Should I give a martial arts app free to my students?

Offering a martial arts app for free to your students can be a valuable strategy to enhance member satisfaction and retention. It provides students easy access to resources, training schedules, and communication tools that improve their training experience and engagement with the dojo. Consider the costs and benefits, but generally, providing the app for free can be a worthwhile investment in building a loyal and active student base.

What is the best martial arts studio software?

The best martial arts studio software is one that offers comprehensive management tools tailored to the needs of martial arts schools. Software like Exercise.com, Mindbody, and Zen Planner are highly recommended. These platforms provide features such as membership management, billing, scheduling, and communications that are essential for efficiently running a martial arts studio and enhancing the overall experience for both instructors and students.

Jimmy Myers Relentless Sports Performance
If you want to offer an elite service for the end user you need to get with the times and use elite level software that is intuitive, visually appealing, and effective. That is exactly what Exercise.com delivers to its clients.
Jimmy Myers
Owner/Trainer, Relentless Sports Performance

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Tyler Spraul is the director of UX and the head trainer for Exercise.com. He has his Bachelor of Science degree in pre-medicine and is an NSCA-Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®). He is a former All-American soccer player and still coaches soccer today. In his free time, he enjoys reading, learning, and living the dad life.
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