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How to Sell Supplements in Your Gym (+ Increase Gym Revenue)

How to Sell Supplements in Your Gym (+ Increase Gym Revenue)

Posted by Tyler Spraul, Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®) on July 14, 2023 ā€” Updated on August 4, 2023

Learn the best strategies and tips on how to sell supplements in your gym and increase gym revenue with supplement sales. Get some practical steps for increasing gym revenue by selling supplements to gym members and personal training clients. In today’s fitness-conscious world, the demand for gym supplements is skyrocketing. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the various aspects of selling supplements in a gym, providing you with valuable insights and strategies to succeed.

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Selling Supplements to Increase Gym Revenue

In the highly competitive fitness industry, gym owners face numerous challenges in maintaining a sustainable business. One vital strategy for success lies in diversifying gym revenue streams, ensuring long-term financial stability and growth. While memberships and personal training sessions remain the primary sources of income for most gyms, exploring additional avenues to boost gym revenue and profit is paramount.

Importance of Diversifying Revenue Streams for Gym Owners

Gym owners must recognize the significance of diversification. Relying solely on membership fees can leave a business vulnerable to economic downturns or unexpected circumstances that may lead to decreased attendance or cancellations. By tapping into other profit-generating opportunities, such as retail sales of supplements, gym owners can establish supplementary income streams that not only offset potential losses but also contribute to overall profitability.

Overview of the Supplement Industry and Its Potential for Gym Owners

The supplement industry has experienced tremendous growth in recent years, with people becoming increasingly health-conscious and actively seeking products that support their wellness goals. This presents a remarkable opportunity for gym owners to tap into this lucrative market while simultaneously providing added value to their members’ fitness journeys.

Due to their close association with fitness and wellness lifestyles, gyms are ideally positioned as trusted providers of supplements. Members often turn to their gyms for reliable advice on nutrition and exercise regimens, making it a natural extension for gyms to offer high-quality supplements tailored specifically to meet the needs and goals of their clientele.

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Understanding the Supplement Market

The supplement industry has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, driven by a combination of rising health consciousness among consumers and an increasing demand for fitness-related products. As people become more aware of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and improving their physical performance, they are turning to supplements as a means to support their fitness goals. This growing trend presents an excellent opportunity for gym owners to tap into this market and boost their gym revenue.

Exploring the Growth and Trends in the Supplement Industry

In today’s health-conscious society, people are more focused on taking care of their bodies than ever before. This shift in mindset has led to substantial growth in the supplement industry. According to recent market research, the global dietary supplement market is projected to reach $230 billion by 2027.

Rising Health Consciousness Among Consumers One significant factor driving this growth is the increasing health consciousness among consumers.

People are becoming more proactive about their well-being and investing in products that help them optimize their health and achieve specific goals. Whether it’s losing weight, building muscle, or improving overall vitality, individuals are seeking out supplements as part of their daily routine.

Increasing Demand for Fitness-Related Products Fitness-related products have also seen a surge in demand due to the rise of fitness culture and an emphasis on physical performance.

Gym-goers and athletes alike are constantly looking for ways to enhance their workouts and maximize results. This has resulted in a higher demand for supplements specifically designed for muscle recovery, energy enhancement, focus improvement, as well as overall health maintenance.

Different Types of Supplements and Their Benefits

To cater effectively to your gym’s clientele and offer them what they truly need, it’s crucial to understand different types of supplements available and the benefits they provide. Here are three key categories:

1. Protein Powders and Bars for Muscle Recovery and Growth

Protein is an essential nutrient for muscle repair, recovery, and growth. Protein powders and bars offer a convenient way for gym-goers to meet their protein needs after workouts, especially when it may be challenging to consume whole food sources immediately. Whey protein, derived from milk, is highly popular due to its complete amino acid profile. However, there are also plant-based options available such as pea protein or soy protein for those with dietary restrictions or preferences.

2. Pre-Workout Supplements to Enhance Energy and Focus

Pre-workout supplements are formulated to provide an energy boost, enhance focus, and improve endurance during workouts. These products often contain ingredients like caffeine, beta-alanine, creatine, and nitric oxide boosters that help increase alertness, delay fatigue, improve blood flow, and support muscle performance.

3. Multivitamins to Support Overall Health and Wellness

Multivitamins offer a comprehensive blend of essential vitamins and minerals that serve as foundational support for overall health and wellness. They help bridge nutritional gaps in the diet by providing nutrients that might be lacking in daily food intake. By understanding these different types of supplements along with their specific benefits related to fitness goals or general health maintenance, gym owners can curate a supplement selection that caters precisely to their clientele’s needs.

Researching Supplement Brands and Products

Identifying reputable supplement brands with quality products

When it comes to selling supplements in your gym, it is crucial to partner with reputable brands that offer high-quality products. The supplement market is vast, and unfortunately, not all brands prioritize quality.

To identify reliable brands, there are a few key factors you should consider. Firstly, checking for certifications like NSF or Informed-Choice is essential.

These certifications ensure that the supplements have undergone rigorous testing for safety and accuracy of ingredients. Brands that hold such certifications demonstrate their commitment to transparency and quality control.

Checking certifications like NSF or Informed-Choice

Certifications such as NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) or Informed-Choice provide an added layer of assurance when selecting supplement brands for your gym. The NSF certification ensures that the manufacturing process meets strict standards, including testing for contaminants and accurate labeling of ingredients.

Similarly, Informed-Choice certification verifies that the product has been tested for banned substances commonly found in sports supplements. By choosing certified brands, you can instill confidence in your customers regarding product safety and integrity.

Reading customer reviews and testimonials

Another effective method of evaluating supplement brands is by researching customer reviews and testimonials. Reading feedback from actual users can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness and overall experience with specific products or brands.

Look for patterns in feedback to identify any recurring positive or negative points related to quality, taste, results, or customer service. It’s important to consider a variety of sources while doing this research to ensure a well-rounded perspective on different aspects of the brand’s reputation.

Selecting a range of supplements that cater to your gym’s clientele

Once you have identified reputable brands with quality products, it’s essential to select a diverse range of supplements that cater to your gym’s clientele. Consider the different fitness goals of your members, such as weight loss or muscle gain, and ensure you have suitable options available.

Offering a variety of products that address various fitness needs will enhance customer satisfaction and increase the likelihood of repeat purchases. Additionally, take into account dietary preferences and restrictions, such as vegan or gluten-free options, to accommodate a broader range of customers.

By conducting thorough research on supplement brands, checking certifications like NSF or Informed-Choice, reading customer reviews and testimonials, and selecting a range of supplements that cater to your gym’s clientele, you can confidently stock your gym’s shelves with high-quality products that meet the needs and expectations of your members. This attention to detail will not only build trust among your customers but also contribute to the overall success and profitability of selling supplements in your gym.

Setting Up a Supplement Display Area in Your Gym

Designing an Appealing Display Area that Catches Customers’ Attention

When it comes to setting up a supplement display area in your gym, aesthetics play a crucial role in capturing the attention of your customers. A well-designed display area should entice gym-goers and make them curious about the products you have to offer.

To achieve this, consider using visually appealing elements such as vibrant colors, captivating graphics, and attractive displays. One effective way to catch customers’ attention is by using bold colors strategically placed throughout the display area.

Opt for bold hues that align with your gym’s branding or complement the overall atmosphere. For example, if your gym has a sleek and modern feel, incorporating shades of blue or silver can create a cohesive look.

Use these colors to highlight key information such as product names or special deals. Clear signage with concise and informative product descriptions is essential for ensuring customers understand what each supplement offers.

Alongside each product, provide detailed descriptions outlining its benefits and key ingredients. Clearly stating how each supplement can aid in muscle recovery, energy boost, or overall health will help potential buyers make informed decisions effortlessly.

Utilizing Clear Product Descriptions with Benefits Listed

When creating product descriptions for your supplement display area, clarity is paramount. Avoid industry jargon that might confuse potential customers who aren’t familiar with supplements.

Instead, focus on using simple language that clearly communicates the benefits of each product. List the specific benefits of each supplement prominently so that visitors can quickly assess whether it aligns with their fitness goals or dietary needs.

Highlight features like increased muscle mass, improved endurance levels, enhanced focus during workouts, or weight loss support based on the particular supplements you offer at your gym. Additionally, consider including testimonials from satisfied customers who have achieved positive results by incorporating these supplements into their fitness routines.

These success stories can inspire others and help build trust in the effectiveness of the products you offer. Including before-and-after images showcasing visible transformations can further reinforce the potential benefits of using the supplements.

Incorporating Before-and-After Images or Success Stories

One powerful way to convince gym-goers to try your supplements is by incorporating before-and-after images or success stories throughout your display area. These visual representations provide tangible evidence of the positive impact these supplements can have on one’s fitness journey.

Consider creating a dedicated section or wall where customers can see transformational images shared by previous users who have achieved their desired fitness goals with the help of your supplements. These visuals act as testimonials, demonstrating real-life results and serving as motivation for those considering giving the products a try.

To ensure authenticity, always seek permission from customers before featuring their success stories or sharing their images. Clearly indicate any disclaimers to avoid raising false expectations among potential buyers.

Organizing Products by Categories for Easy Navigation

To make it easy for customers to find what they’re looking for, organize your supplement display area by categories. Group similar products together based on their function or intended use, such as muscle recovery, energy enhancement, weight loss support, or general wellness.

Provide clear labels and signage that guide customers through each category and make navigation effortless. Consider using divider shelves or vertically displaying products with clear labels indicating each category to visually separate them from one another.

Furthermore, arranging products in a logical order within each category will enhance convenience for buyers. Place best-selling items or new arrivals at eye level to draw attention while ensuring that all product variations are easily accessible nearby.

By following these guidelines when setting up your supplement display area in the gym, you’ll create an inviting space that entices customers to explore and purchase these beneficial products effortlessly. Remember that capturing attention through appealing design elements combined with informative descriptions and testimonials will significantly contribute to increasing your gym’s revenue.

Educating Gym Staff on Supplements

Providing Comprehensive Training on Supplement Knowledge

One of the critical aspects of successfully selling supplements in your gym is ensuring that your staff is well-educated and knowledgeable about the products. Providing comprehensive training to your gym staff will equip them with the necessary information to confidently assist customers and make informed recommendations.

Develop a training program that covers various aspects, such as different types of supplements, their benefits, ingredients, and usage instructions. Encourage active participation from your staff by organizing workshops or inviting industry experts to conduct seminars on supplement education.

Explaining the Benefits, Ingredients, and Usage

During the training sessions, emphasize the importance of understanding each supplement’s benefits, ingredients, and usage guidelines. Train your staff to explain how specific supplements can aid in muscle recovery and growth, enhance energy levels, or support overall health and wellness.

Provide them with detailed information about key ingredients used in popular supplements so they can answer customer queries regarding safety and efficacy. Moreover, make sure they are well-versed in guiding customers through proper dosage instructions for each product.

Empowering Your Gym Staff to Sell Supplements

By educating your gym staff on supplements through comprehensive training programs that emphasize knowledge about benefits, ingredients, and usage instructions; you are empowering them to effectively assist customers in making informed choices. Well-informed staff members foster a sense of trust among customers seeking guidance on supplement selection tailored to their individual fitness goals.

As a result of this enhanced customer service experience rooted in expertise and education, not only will you witness an increase in supplement sales but also build strong relationships with loyal patrons who trust your gym as a reliable source for their fitness needs. So invest time into educating your team today and reap the rewards tomorrow!

Understanding the Gym Supplement Market

Gym supplements have become increasingly popular among fitness enthusiasts seeking to maximize their performance and results. Understanding the gym supplement market is crucial to grasp the needs and preferences of potential customers. Conducting market research will help you identify the latest trends, popular supplement categories, and consumer preferences. By keeping your finger on the pulse of the market, you can stay ahead of the competition and ensure your products meet the demands of your target audience.

Collaborating with Fitness Influencers

One important aspect to consider when understanding the gym supplement market is the role of social media influencers. In recent years, social media platforms have become a powerful tool for marketing and promoting gym supplements. Fitness influencers with a large following often endorse specific brands and products, influencing the purchasing decisions of their followers. Collaborating with these influencers can significantly boost brand visibility and credibility in the market. Additionally, monitoring social media conversations and feedback can provide valuable insights into consumer opinions and preferences, allowing businesses to tailor their marketing strategies accordingly.

Read More: Gym Influencer Marketing Guide

Identifying the Target Audience for Gym Supplements

Every gym has a unique clientele, and identifying your gym target audience is essential when selling supplements. Different customers have distinct fitness goals and requirements, which call for specific types of supplements. Some gym-goers may seek to build muscle mass, while others prioritize weight loss or improving endurance. By understanding your gym’s customer demographics and their fitness goals, you can tailor your supplement offerings to cater to their needs effectively. This targeted approach increases your chances of success, as customers resonate with products designed for their specific goals.

For example, if your gym primarily attracts bodybuilders and weightlifters, you may want to focus on offering protein powders and amino acid supplements that aid in muscle recovery and growth. On the other hand, if your gym has a large number of individuals looking to lose weight, you might consider stocking fat burners and appetite suppressants. Additionally, if your gym caters to endurance athletes, supplements such as pre-workouts and electrolyte replenishers could be beneficial. By understanding the unique needs and goals of your target audience, you can curate a selection of supplements that will not only meet their expectations but also enhance their overall fitness journey.

Researching Popular Supplements in the Fitness Industry

The fitness industry is constantly evolving, with new supplements hitting the market regularly. To thrive in the competitive gym supplement landscape, it’s crucial to stay updated on the latest product releases and trends. Researching popular supplements enables you to understand their ingredients, benefits, and efficacy. By keeping comprehensive knowledge on hand, you can confidently recommend and sell supplements that align with your customers’ goals. Whether it’s protein powders, pre-workouts, or recovery supplements, being well-versed in the latest offerings allows you to provide valuable guidance to your gym members.

Crafting a Unique Selling Proposition for Your Gym Supplements

In a crowded marketplace, a unique selling proposition (USP) sets your gym supplements apart from the competition. Your USP should highlight the distinctive aspects of your products that make them superior to others. Consider factors such as ingredient quality, formula efficacy, or a focus on natural ingredients. By developing a compelling USP, you create a strong selling point that differentiates your supplements and attracts customers. With thorough market research and consumer insights, you can identify gaps in the market and craft a USP that resonates with your target audience.

Building Relationships with Other Gym Owners and Trainers

Building strong relationships with other gym owners and trainers is vital when selling supplements in a gym environment. These key influencers can endorse your products, recommend them to their clients, and offer invaluable insights into customer preferences. Collaborating with gym owners and trainers involves establishing open lines of communication, providing product samples, and demonstrating the effectiveness of your supplements. By building trust and credibility with these industry professionals, you can significantly increase your supplement sales and expand your customer base.

Creating an Attractive Display for Your Supplements in the Gym

A visually appealing and well-organized display of your supplements can make a significant impact on sales. Customers are more likely to notice and consider products that are prominently displayed in an attractive manner. Invest in quality display stands, visually appealing signage, and clear product labels. Organize your supplements by category and prominently feature bestsellers and new arrivals. A well-designed display creates an inviting and professional look, encouraging customers to explore and make purchases.

Pricing Strategies for Selling Supplements in a Gym

Determining the right pricing strategy is critical when selling supplements in a gym. Price your supplements competitively, considering factors such as manufacturing costs, market demand, and profit margins. Conducting a thorough pricing analysis and monitoring the prices of your competitors will help you find the sweet spot that attracts customers while ensuring profitability. Additionally, consider offering discounts or bundle deals to incentivize purchases and increase customer loyalty.

Developing Effective Marketing Materials for Gym Supplements

Effective marketing materials play a crucial role in attracting attention and generating sales for your gym supplements. Invest in professional product photography that showcases your supplements’ benefits and appeal. Create engaging brochures or catalogs that provide detailed product information and highlight their unique selling points. Utilize persuasive language in your marketing copy and emphasize the positive impact your supplements can have on customers’ fitness journeys. Ensure your marketing materials reflect the strong brand identity you have established, further enhancing your credibility and customer trust.

Leveraging Social Media to Promote Your Gym Supplements

Social media platforms are powerful tools for reaching a wide audience and generating excitement for your gym supplements. Develop a strong social media presence and create engaging posts and content that showcase your products. Collaborate with fitness influencers or micro-influencers who align with your brand to promote your supplements to their followers. Utilize captivating visuals, informative videos, and customer testimonials to build trust and drive sales. Engage with your audience by responding to comments and questions promptly, creating a community around your brand and products.

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Hosting Supplement Demos and Workshops in the Gym

Hosting supplement demos and workshops in the gym can be an effective way to educate customers about your products and enhance their trust in your brand. Offer interactive sessions where customers can sample your supplements, ask questions, and learn about their benefits. Collaborate with gym owners and trainers to organize workshops that address different fitness goals, such as muscle building or weight loss. By providing valuable educational experiences, you establish yourself as an authority in the industry and build lasting relationships with customers.

Offering Personalized Supplement Recommendations to Gym Members

Personalized recommendations add value to the gym supplement buying experience and improve customer satisfaction. Train your staff or educate gym trainers on the benefits and uses of different supplements, enabling them to offer personalized advice to members. Consider implementing a questionnaire or consultation process to gather information about customers’ fitness goals and preferences. Based on this information, recommend specific supplements tailored to their individual needs. Personalization demonstrates your commitment to helping customers achieve their goals and instills confidence in your products.

Collaborating with Fitness Influencers to Boost Supplement Sales

Influencer marketing has become an influential tool for promoting gym supplements. Collaborate with fitness influencers who have a loyal following and a strong influence on their audience’s purchasing decisions. Develop partnerships where these influencers can endorse and share their positive experiences with your supplements. This collaboration exposes your brand to a broader audience and helps generate trust and credibility. As customers see influencers utilizing and endorsing your supplements, they are more likely to consider purchasing them themselves.

Tracking and Analyzing Sales Data for Continuous Improvement

Tracking and analyzing sales data is essential for understanding the performance of your supplements and identifying areas for improvement. Utilize robust data tracking systems to monitor sales volume, customer preferences, and product popularity. Analyze trends and identify patterns to optimize your inventory management and marketing efforts. Consider using data analytics tools to gain insights into customer behavior and buying patterns. By leveraging sales data, you can make informed decisions, tailor your product offerings, and continuously improve your sales strategies for optimal results.

Implementing Loyalty Programs to Encourage Repeat Purchases

Loyalty programs can be highly effective in enhancing customer retention and encouraging repeat purchases. Develop a loyalty program that rewards customers for their continued support. Offer exclusive discounts, special promotions, or freebies to members who frequently purchase your supplements. Implement a point-based system where customers earn rewards based on their purchases. By providing incentives and recognizing customer loyalty, you strengthen the bond between your brand and customers, encouraging them to choose your supplements over competitors.

Read More: Best Gym Loyalty Program Software

Providing Excellent Customer Service for Supplement Buyers in the Gym

Providing exceptional customer service is paramount to building a loyal customer base. Train your staff to be knowledgeable about your supplements and provide prompt assistance to customers. Foster a friendly and welcoming atmosphere in your store or display area. Encourage customers to ask questions and offer guidance on product selection based on their needs. Follow up with customers after their purchase to ensure their satisfaction and address any concerns. By going above and beyond in customer service, you create positive experiences and build lasting relationships that keep customers returning to your gym for their supplement needs.

Staying Up-to-Date with Industry Trends and New Product Releases

The fitness industry is ever-evolving, with new trends and product releases that can impact the demand for supplements. Stay informed about industry news, latest studies, and emerging fitness trends. Subscribe to industry publications and attend trade shows to keep abreast of new research, ingredients, and technological advancements. By staying up-to-date, you position yourself as an industry expert, instilling trust in your customers. You can confidently recommend the newest and most effective supplements, ensuring your product offerings remain relevant and appealing to gym-goers.

Overcoming Challenges in Selling Supplements in a Competitive Gym Environment

Selling supplements in a competitive gym environment can pose challenges, but with the right strategies, you can overcome them. Focus on differentiating your brand by offering superior quality, unique formulations, or exceptional customer service. Build relationships with gym owners and trainers to increase your reach and influence within the gym community. Identify gaps in the market or target niche audiences that are underserved. By proactively addressing challenges and adapting to industry dynamics, you can carve a successful niche for your gym supplements.

Utilizing Email Marketing to Reach Out to Potential Supplement Buyers

Email marketing is a powerful tool for reaching out to potential supplement buyers. Build an email list by offering valuable content such as fitness tips, nutritional advice, or exclusive offers in exchange for email subscriptions. Use the best gym email marketing software inside the Exercise.com platform to develop targeted email campaigns that highlight the benefits of your supplements and offer incentives for making a purchase. Provide informative content that educates readers and fosters trust in your brand. Personalize your emails based on customer preferences and previous purchases to increase engagement and conversion rates.

Expanding Your Product Line to Cater to Diverse Fitness Goals

To maximize your sales potential, consider expanding your product line to cater to diverse fitness goals. Evaluate market demands and identify potential opportunities where your supplements can address specific needs. For instance, you may introduce vegan or gluten-free options, expand into the sports nutrition segment, or develop supplements for specialized training programs. Expanding your product line allows you to tap into new customer segments and diversify your revenue streams, ultimately increasing your profitability.

Selling supplements in a gym is a multifaceted endeavor that requires a deep understanding of the market, effective marketing strategies, and personalized customer interactions. By grasping the dynamics of the gym supplement market, identifying your target audience, and crafting a unique selling proposition, you can position your supplements for success. Building relationships with fitness professionals and trainers, creating an attractive display, and utilizing social media can help drive awareness and increase sales. Additionally, offering personalized recommendations, collaborating with influencers, and implementing loyalty programs enhance customer satisfaction and boost repeat business. By staying informed about industry trends, providing excellent customer service, and continuously refining your strategies, you can overcome challenges and seize opportunities to thrive in the competitive gym supplement industry.

How to start selling gym supplements?

Starting to sell gym supplements involves a few steps. You’ll first need to research what supplements are popular and effective within your client base. Next, you should source suppliers who provide high-quality, reputable products. You may need to negotiate wholesale agreements with these suppliers. Then, designate a space within your gym where you can display and sell these products. Consider creating bundles or package deals with your gym memberships.

Can you sell workout supplements to your gym members?

Yes, you can sell workout supplements to your gym members. This is often a convenient option for members, and it can add an additional revenue stream for your gym. It’s important to only sell supplements from reputable brands to ensure you’re offering safe, high-quality products.

How do I sell products to my gym members?

To sell products to your gym members, you should first make sure you’re offering products that your members are interested in and that align with their fitness goals. Display these products prominently in your gym, and consider running promotions or discounts to incentivize purchases.

Is it legal to resell supplements?

It is generally legal to resell supplements, as long as you comply with all relevant laws and regulations. This can include obtaining necessary permits or licenses, following labeling and marketing regulations, and ensuring the supplements themselves are compliant with all safety standards.

Do you need FDA approval to sell supplements?

Dietary supplements in the U.S. do not need approval from the FDA before they are marketed, but the manufacturers are responsible for ensuring they’re safe and that the label information is truthful and not misleading.

Do you need FDA approval to sell pre workout?

As with other dietary supplements, pre-workout supplements do not need FDA approval before they are marketed. However, they must comply with dietary supplement regulations, and any claims made about their effects must be truthful and not misleading.

Can you sell workout plans without being certified?

While it’s technically possible to sell workout plans without certification, it’s generally not recommended. Being certified gives you credibility and ensures you have the knowledge and skills to create safe and effective workout plans. Without certification, you could be at risk of causing harm to your clients and legal liability for yourself.

Read More: Can you sell workout plans without being certified?

Is selling supplements profitable?

Selling supplements can be profitable, especially if you’re able to buy in bulk at wholesale prices and sell at retail prices. The profitability can vary depending on factors such as the specific supplements you’re selling, your pricing structure, and how much your gym members purchase.

What can you sell at the gym?

At a gym, you can sell a variety of items, including workout supplements, gym apparel and accessories, personal training packages, fitness classes, and more. You could also consider selling healthy snacks or beverages.

Can I repackage and sell supplements?

Repackaging and selling supplements is usually not recommended. Repackaging supplements can introduce risks such as contamination or degradation of the product. It can also raise legal issues, as you would become responsible for ensuring the product’s safety and proper labeling. Always consult with a legal expert before considering such actions.

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Tyler Spraul is the director of UX and the head trainer for Exercise.com. He has his Bachelor of Science degree in pre-medicine and is an NSCA-Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistĀ® (CSCSĀ®). He is a former All-American soccer player and still coaches soccer today. In his free time, he enjoys reading, learning, and living the dad life.
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