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Is the Wii Fit good exercise?

Get the Basics... The Wii Fit has the potential to be a good workout tool.  It is not as effective as going running or jogging would be as a way to get and stay fit. The Wii Fit is better than sitting on the couch, but it is not challenging enough for a person who is...
Is it OK to exercise if pregnant with triplets?

Is it OK to exercise if pregnant with triplets?

Get the Basics... A woman who is carrying more than one baby is considered to have a higher-risk pregnancy than one who will be giving birth to a single child. Visiting your obstetrician is important in any pregnancy, but when there is more than one baby involved, is...
Is a trampoline good exercise?

Is a trampoline good exercise?

Get the Basics... Using a trampoline is actually very good for your body. Steady weight loss is an aspect of regular time spent on a trampoline; but, in addition, it has been proven that regular activity on a trampoline can actually strengthen your heart, as well as...
How Much Should You Exercise?

How Much Should You Exercise?

Get the Basics... The recommended amount of exercise for adults is 2 ½ hours per week. Factors such as fitness level and age can determine the type of exercise that would deen adequate. Even if you exercise under 2 ½ hours a week, it is much better than not exercising...
How Much Exercise Is Necessary for Endorphin Release?

How Much Exercise Is Necessary for Endorphin Release?

Get the Basics... The time it takes for endorphins to flood the body while exercising will typically vary from person to person. The time ranges from 10 minutes to over 30 minutes. Some studies suggest that the brain, in order to meet certain goals, might release...