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Should I take an iron supplement?

Should I take an iron supplement?

Get the Basics... When an iron deficiency occurs and a lack of absorption of the iron is evident, your doctor will most likely prescribe an iron supplement for it. Iron supplements are a great asset to everyone who experiences low dietary intake of iron, has an...
Should I take an iron supplement?

Should I Take Fiber Supplements With Meals to Lose Weight?

Get the Basics... There are two types of fiber, and consequently two types of fiber supplements; these are soluble and insoluble fibers. Both types of fiber may help you to lose weight. Soluble fiber is an effective weight loss aid because it is digested very slowly...
Does vitamin B12 help reduce zinc levels?

Does vitamin B12 help reduce zinc levels?

Get the Basics... There is no direct evidence that vitamin B12 reduces zinc levels. Both vitamin B12 and zinc are essential nutrients that are crucial for maintaining healthy bodies and promoting optimal performance. The main causes of vitamin B12 deficiency include...
Should I take an iron supplement?

Where can I buy protein supplements cheaply online?

Get the Basics... There are many outlets that offer inexpensive protein supplements. Since your muscles are made mostly of protein, it would be accurate to say that protein is one of the building blocks of life. More active people need more protein. If you regularly...
Does vitamin B12 help reduce zinc levels?

What diseases are caused by low levels of vitamin D?

Get the Basics... If you have low levels of vitamin D in your body, your bones will more than likely become brittle and thin. Vitamin D and calcium deficiency can also lead to osteoporosis in older adults. There are a large number of conditions that can be caused by...