Has your physique ever been defined as a “tower of power”? Maybe it has, and maybe it hasn’t. But when we heard that phrase from Dean Somerset, and we knew we liked it! According to Dean, you can’t have a strong tower of power without a strong...
In the past, we’ve talked about our love-hate relationship with squats and even deadbugs. We love them, but doing them wrong is way too easy. Today, we’re adding another one to our love-hate list: the one-arm dumbbell row. No, we’re not kidding. If...
It’s time for a reality check: How many of you are as fit as Fit Grandpa? For those of you who aren’t sure what we’re talking about, we’ll explain. At the 2016 Rio Olympics, Wayne McEntire rose to fame at 69 years of age by doing a version of...
If we asked you who holds the world record for the longest drive in golf history, many of you might answer Mike Austin, who drove a golf ball 515 yards in 1974. You’d be right, but that incredible record isn’t what we want to focus on today. Instead, we...
Hypertrophy. It’s a bit of a mouthful, but it’s something that all athletes and fitness enthusiasts can get behind. Who doesn’t want more muscle mass? To help get you on your way to strength, we’re bringing you a workout that focuses on...