If you are not currently physically active, or you already exercise regularly, you may be wondering, “How much exercise should people get in a week?”
Getting physical, as part of your regular routine, provides numerous benefits. Find out just how much exercise is ideal in the article below.
Exercise can help you reduce the level of body fat you are carrying while helping you build lean muscle.
Your body will look more toned and you will find you have more energy to carry out your daily activities.
Not all the benefits of regular exercise are physical.
Exercise helps to elevate mood and it’s a natural stress-reliever.
People who make a point of getting their heart rates up regularly are much better able to deal with the stressors that are part of everyday life.
It’s easier than you think to get the benefits of an active lifestyle. Sign up for a PRO plan today for access to workouts that will help you live a happier and healthier life.
How Much Should the Average Adult Exercise in a Week?
The average adult should be getting a minimum of 2 hours and 30 minutes of exercise each week. You may be thinking that you can’t possibly squeeze anything else into your already-overcrowded schedule, but with a bit of planning, you can get the exercise you need.
This guideline is for an average adult, and it’s a good idea to check with your doctor before you start a new exercise program or increase the intensity of your existing one. People with a history of high blood pressure or heart trouble should follow their doctor’s guidelines when starting any exercise program.
Pregnant women should also ask their doctors about a safe level of physical activity. A mother-to-be who is pregnant with two or more babies will likely be told to cut back on her exercise routine or stop exercising altogether as her pregnancy progresses.
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How Can I Make Time to Exercise Each Week?
If you divide the 2 hours and 30 minutes recommended on a weekly basis by the number of days in a week, the number of minutes you should be exercising each day comes out to about 20. If it’s easier to think about being active in two, 10-minute increments instead of a 20-minute session, then do so.
Start off slowly by taking the stairs instead of the elevator sometimes. Park your vehicle further away from your destination and walk a little further when you go to work, school or the mall.
Another simple way to get active is to make a point of going for a walk at lunch. During times when you can’t get outside due to bad weather, try walking inside.
How Can I Work out to Fit Exercise in My Busy Week?
If you are serious about adopting a more active lifestyle, consider joining a gym. It will take some time for this change to become a regular part of your lifestyle. Many people decide to start exercising but stop doing so because they find it difficult to stay motivated.
- One way to keep at it when you first join a gym is to find someone to go with. If you have a workout buddy, it’s easier to stay on track. When you set a time to go work out, write it in your appointment book like any other obligation you have.
- You can also sign up for an exercise class. Being obligated to go to the gym at a set time will help you get into the routine of going. You may even make some new friends while you get fit.
Some people find scheduling a few sessions with a personal trainer is helpful. This is a great way to get started if you want to start weight training. The trainer can make sure that you are using any exercise equipment correctly and that you are starting with the right weight. The trainer can also provide you with tips to help lower your risk of injury, which will keep you going to the gym and staying active.
Hate the idea of going to a gym? Then develop a home workout plan that doesn’t even require you to leave home. Or, opt for outdoor activities like biking, skiing or swimming.
Once you get started and make a point of including 20 minutes or so of physical activity into your regular routine, try adding some more time for exercise. You will reap the benefits that come with regular exercise and you will be healthier, too.
Get started with a pre-set exercise routine by going PRO. Sign up for an Exercise.com PRO plan today.