Get the Basics... Pursuing advanced degrees and continuing education as a personal trainer Training with chronic condition and injury Injury prevention and rehabilitation and recovery Making fitness fun Meet David Amundson Schimri Yoyo: Okay. We are continuing our...
Get the Basics... Demonstrating leadership as a personal trainer Fitness built on core values Time management challenges Incorporating technology in a successful personal training business When you find something that you love—whether it’s a person, a hobby, a...
Get the Basics... Nutrition vs. Dieting Structured Flexibility Data Collection & Progress Monitoring Building Community Time Management Challenges There is an old adage that states: “You don’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where...
Get the Basics... The coaching nature of sports training The General Physical Preparation (or GPP) approach to training Education in the classroom vs. Education in the weight room The difference between training and exercise The impact on clients and in the community...
Get the Basics... The impact of mentors and role models in pursuing a sports performance career The role of formal, science-based education in the fitness industry The value (or lack thereof) of fitness advice on social media The mentality of elite level and...
Get the Basics... The introduction and popularization of strength training and conditioning in the NBA and PGA How to balance training athletes and running a business Effects on email and social media on your passions Difference between training amateur and...