Many people experience the realization that something in their life has got to change. Whether it’s your eating habits, lack of exercise, or overall body image, there comes a time when a commitment has to be made.
Jeannie Paparone, IFBB Professional Bodybuilder and CEO President of Jeannie’s Fit for Life, understands the commitment and dedication necessary to overcome anorexia.
While getting to know Mark Lauren, elite trainer and fitness author, it is apparent that he understands exactly how to transform women’s bodies using the most available equipment: your own body.
Success is possible at any age or stage of life, especially for people like Colin Stuckert, who isn’t afraid to take a leap of faith when necessary. It has only been five years since Stuckert first started Crossfitting
When it comes to changing your body, there are many methods, some less obvious than others. Keira Newton, trainer and own of dkb fitness, discovered just that when she picked up a kettlebell for the first time.
Since the 1960’s, resistance bands have been used as an alternative to weight training, rather than a go-to method for building muscle and strength. The Band Man, and creator of, Dave Schmitz, aims to inform the fitness world.