As humans, we have an innate drive to grow, to move, to experience new things, and to tackle new challenges. This train of thought is evident in the health and fitness community. Throughout our lives, we make promises to ourselves; we make goals and resolutions vowing...
Over the years, we at have been pleased to introduce you to some of our friends and family through the Fitness Experts Hub. We trust that the insight and wisdom that they shared with you have assisted you in pursuit of achieving your fitness goals. These...
Get the Basics... Choosing the right pricing structure for your fitness business is an important decision that requires careful thought and execution. There are a number of different pricing models with different attributes and considerations. It’s important to...
Get the Basics... It’s important for fitness businesses to think of creative ways to increase revenue without adding new clients or new memberships. There are many strategies that can help you create additional sources of revenue listed in this article. Try one...
Get the Basics... Fitness professionals may use appropriate touch with clients to improve form, technique, or understand body awareness. Guidelines for appropriate professional touch include getting permission first and explaining where and why, which helps to...
Get the Basics... Personal trainers must be mindful of their verbal and nonverbal communication with clients. It’s best to provide cueing and motivational comments that are focused on overall health or function instead of appearance. Personal trainers can...