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The Run Experience’s Treadmill Workout for Beginners

The Run Experience’s Treadmill Workout for Beginners

Get the Basics... Check out this guest-post by running coach, Holly Martin, for a guided treadmill workout, complete with a demo video! You’ll learn a warm-up, a cadence drill, some interval speed work, and a cool-down. The phases of this workout give you room...
Are you polite or persistent? (Pro Tip: Be Both)

Are you polite or persistent? (Pro Tip: Be Both)

Get the Basics... Which do you lean towards — polite or persistent? One key to balancing the two in client interactions is to treat everyone like a person Know your customers and always consider their interests first What makes a good salesperson? Our CEO took some...
7 Actionable Steps: Think Small to Achieve Big Goals

7 Actionable Steps: Think Small to Achieve Big Goals

Get the Basics... Think in terms of small actionable steps you can take to achieve your goals. Science isn’t just for rocket ships and workouts — don’t be afraid to tap into science to build better goals. Weaved into several of the steps is the idea of...
10 Simple Can’t-Miss Tips to Master Your Thoughts

10 Simple Can’t-Miss Tips to Master Your Thoughts

Get the Basics... Don’t let your mind be the master of you. When it comes to beating worry, you need a plan of attack. Implement these 10 tips to master your thoughts. Everybody worries to some extent. That’s just human nature. However, it’s...
4 Effortless Strategies to Help You Win at Business

4 Effortless Strategies to Help You Win at Business

Get the Basics... Know your client’s problems Don’t rush things by trying to execute too early Mission-focused management helps your business adapt in a highly volatile market In a recent team meeting, our CEO shared his notes from Steve Blank’s...

The 10 Best Personal Training Books

Get the Basics... No matter where you are on the personal training spectrum, books can help you stay knowledgeable. This list includes a variety of book options for you: business books, books written by training experts and science experts, and textbooks. You’ll...