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Bombing Your Goals (Putting the Right Things First)

Bombing Your Goals (Putting the Right Things First)

Get the Basics... Bomb your goals by dividing them into primary and secondary categories. Ask yourself, “Am I putting the right things first?” Practice saying “No” to goals that aren’t going to have a significant impact on your life. In one of our...
Just Say No

Just Say No

Get the Basics... No protects you. Learn to say no, so you can say yes to the best. Practice saying no without giving a reason. No! This isn’t a post about the dangers of drugs. However, it is about the power of saying, “No.” Often we say “yes” to everything...
Just Say No

How to Receive Criticism

Get the Basics... Prepare for criticism so you can receive it well. Instead of reacting defensively to criticism, ask for time to process what you’ve heard. Don’t interpret a mistake as a failure. Last time we discussed how to best give criticism. Now...
How to Give Criticism

How to Give Criticism

Get the Basics... Our brains view criticism as a threat to our survival. We remember criticism strongly but inaccurately. Separate the problem from the person or personality. In our most recent team meeting, we talked about how to best give and receive criticism —...
Copy Great Ideas

Copy Great Ideas

Get the Basics... Originality is a myth. Copying great ideas is key to breaking through obstacles. Make the ideas you copy your own by adding your point of view. Many of us are obsessed with originality. However, many of the biggest leaps forward in industry happen...

What makes a great pitch?

Get the Basics... Have you ever had a great pitch, but couldn’t keep your listener’s attention? You can know everything about your subject and still not be convincing. The crocodile brain will filter your message within minutes. In our last team meeting, we...