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Manage Your Energy (Not Your Time)

Manage Your Energy (Not Your Time)

Get the Basics... Stop managing time and focus on your energy Your energy is disproportionately contagious if you are a leader Create rituals that renew your energy There is a gap between what is demanded of us and our capacity that becomes less favorable as we age,...
Turning a 10-Year Gameplan into a 6-Month Goal

Turning a 10-Year Gameplan into a 6-Month Goal

Get the Basics... Take your 10-year life plan and ask, “Why can’t I do this in six months?” Think about how you can narrow your focus to achieve your goals. What part of your 10-year gameplan could you realistically accomplish in the next six months? Ever wonder...
The Inner Game for Work (Can’t-Miss Tips for Success!)

The Inner Game for Work (Can’t-Miss Tips for Success!)

Get the Basics... Our work culture prizes performance and hitting goals. W. Timothy Gallwey, the author of The Inner Game of Work, suggests we’ve neglected learning and enjoyment which has crippled our long term success. “The three sides of the work triangle are...
Manage Your Energy (Not Your Time)

Take Action with the 5-Second Rule!

Get the Basics... The moment you have an instinct to act on a goal you must push yourself to move within five seconds or your brain will kill it. Any time you’re feeling the need to act on a specific commitment or goal, you have a tiny window of time to take...
Manage Your Energy (Not Your Time)

Three Critical Principles to Win Friends and Influence People

Get the Basics... These principles from How To Win Friends and Influence People have a proven track record. Everyone loves talking about what they’re passionate about, so practice active listening. In our digital age, people are pros at sniffing out someone...