Get the Basics... Building on the Basics Boosting Body Awareness Balancing Business Acumen and Technical Expertise Starting your own fitness business is a daunting and time-consuming endeavor, requiring you to ensure safe and healthy worksite activity, to steadily...
Get the Basics... 👍Prioritizing employee engagement Situation analysis 101 The era of automation COVID-19 gym outlook Interview with Geoff Girvitz 💬 “We’re open, we’re not open, we’re open”….yeah, we feel you. Although the White...
Get the Basics... Proactive injury prevention Preparing for different sports seasons and schedules Promoting positive body image through education Being an athletic trainer can be a joyful and rewarding profession. However, if we’re being honest, it can also be...
Get the Basics... Adjusting Business Practices While Social Distancing Staying Physically Active While Social Distancing Supporting Local Businesses While Social Distancing It has never been an easy task to start your own fitness business. And that task has gotten...
Get the Basics... 📣 Client engagement in 2020 COVID business updates Marketing your online training business Interview with Josh Henkin 💬 As COVID-19 continues to stir controversy and angst across the globe and may continue to do so indefinitely, our encouragement to...
Get the Basics... Fitness experts dish on how they plan to get back to activity post the 2020 pandemic Plus, find out what their top three body-sculpting exercises are for summertime Finally, the experts talk post-workout meals The first quarter of the year 2020...