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What Is the Job Market Like for a Personal Trainer?

What Is the Job Market Like for a Personal Trainer?

The job market for personal trainers has an up side and a down side. The up side is that our obese and ailing society realizes a need for fitness and nutrition. For this reason, trainers are in greater demand than ever. The down side is that, in an ailing economy, many people simply can’t pay for trainers and so many established trainers work fewer hours, or charge lower rates.

What personal trainer accrediting agencies are the best?

What personal trainer accrediting agencies are the best?

Two of the most respected personal trainer accrediting entities are the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). Personal trainer accrediting agencies help new personal trainers gain credible education, skills and clients. Of course, defining the best is also partially opinion based. Use the article that follows to form your own conclusions.

Why should I become a personal trainer?

Why should I become a personal trainer?

You should become a personal trainer, only if you are a good fit for it, because it is a highly rewarding and flexible job. Many people try to accomplish their fitness goals alone and end up throwing in the towel after only a few weeks or months. That is where personal trainers come in. People that work with a personal trainer are more likely to stick with an exercise program and accomplish and maintain their fitness goals.

What personal trainer accrediting agencies are the best?

Do you need a degree to be a personal trainer?

Technically, you do not need a college degree to become a successful personal trainer. All you need to start your new life as a personal trainer is personal trainer certification. Most personal trainer certification courses do require you to have a high school diploma or equivalent.

How do I become qualified as a personal trainer?

To get qualified as a personal trainer means that you pursue certification. There are two ways to go about the certification process. If you already know which organization you want to work for you should call them and ask which certifications they require. If you do not have a particular workplace in mind it is best to research different personal trainer certification organizations to figure out which one fits you best.

Can older people become personal trainers?

Can older people become personal trainers?

There is no age limit to becoming a personal trainer. All that you need to become a personal trainer is an enthusiastic attitude about health and fitness, the desire to become educated by becoming certified, and a strong work ethic to succeed.