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How Can I Tell If a Multivitamin Is a Good Quality?

How Can I Tell If a Multivitamin Is a Good Quality?

Get the Basics... There are different factors to take to account when determining if a multivitamin is of good quality. It is good to choose vitamins that are made in the USA as products have to attest to certain regulations. It is wise to research products you are...
How much caffeine is too much?

How much caffeine is too much?

Get the Basics... Caffeine increases alertness and wakefulness and boosts energy. The effects of caffeine become noticeable about 30-60 minutes after consumption. For most people, caffeine is perfectly safe, and even healthy, in limited amounts. However, it can become...
How Can I Tell If a Multivitamin Is a Good Quality?

How much whey protein should a man take in a day?

Get the Basics... Your weight, your age, how much you exercise, as well as how much protein you consume on a daily basis, should be considered when supplementing with whey protein. For men who are athletes, they tend to do best on 0.77 grams of protein for every pound...
How Can I Tell If a Multivitamin Is a Good Quality?

How Much Whey Protein Should a Woman Take in a Day?

Get the Basics... Most women don’t get enough protein in their diets. Manufacturers of most whey protein supplements recommend that women take one scoop, equal to about 20 to 25 grams of protein, once or twice a day. Whey protein is not a drug, but rather a dietary...
How Can I Tell If a Multivitamin Is a Good Quality?

How should I use whey protein for athletic performance?

Get the Basics... Studies have shown that whey protein can improve lean body mass, muscle size, and strength. To improve performance during training, the best way to consume whey protein is just before, during, and right after a workout. When researching protein...
How Can I Tell If a Multivitamin Is a Good Quality?

Should I Mix Whey Protein Powder with Milk?

Get the Basics... Whey protein can be taken in various forms. The method of taking whey protein relies more on preference and need. Mixing whey protein with substances other than milk may actually be more beneficial for some. Many bodybuilders have found success using...