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Should you eat before a workout?

Should you eat before a workout?

Get the Basics... Not only should you eat before a workout, but you should also eat afterward. The types of food you eat depend on when you are eating in comparison to your workout time. Ideally, a complete meal of protein, carbs, and fat can be consumed a few hours...
How soon can you work out after having a baby?

How soon can you work out after having a baby?

Get the Basics... Be sure to ask your doctor about resuming your exercise routine after pregnancy. Your doctor will most likely prefer that you start out with light exercises like walking, Pilates, and Kegel exercises. These will get you moving again without putting...
How Do You Design a Workout?

How Do You Design a Workout?

Get the Basics... Designing a workout depends on your individual fitness goals. If you’re a beginner, it is important to learn the different types of exercises, how to do them correctly, and how these exercises can work specifically for you. This is important if...
If You Gain Weight Without Exercising Can That Cause Shortness of Breath?

Does walking widen veins?

Get the Basics... Walking as exercise will not necessarily help with all vein-related medical conditions, such as varicose veins and peripheral arterial disease. Walking can help improve overall health and may decrease other conditions that cause vein-related health...
After a football workout what should you eat?

After a football workout what should you eat?

Get the Basics... A combination of carbs and protein is needed after a football workout. By eating a combination of vitamins, minerals, fats, and proteins, you can help your body to heal any overused tendons or sore muscles. Some of the best foods to consume include...