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Why is exercise important?

Why is exercise important?

Get the Basics... Exercise is important for a number of reasons that include physical health, longevity, stamina, mood, and more. You can exercise regardless of sex, age, or even physical ability. Regular physical activity helps to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the...
What type of exercise machines should you use when pregnant?

What type of exercise machines should you use when pregnant?

Get the Basics... Using machines is a great alternative to trying to go outside to get exercise, especially during colder months. Walking on a treadmill is a good choice for a pregnant woman. Pregnant women can keep up with their exercise and weight training routines,...
What kind of exercise should you do when pregnant?

What kind of exercise should you do when pregnant?

Get the Basics... Learn about the types of exercises you can do during pregnancy. Learn about the benefits of exercising while pregnant. Find workout plans to help you along your pregnancy journey. Don’t forget to clear physical activities with your doctor...
Why is exercise important?

What is the best exercise equipment for cardio health?

Get the Basics... Cardio is moving your body in a repetitive motion with no resistance for a long period of time. A good cardio workout is more than just helping you fit into a small dress size. Each piece of cardio equipment has a variety of benefits depending on...
What Is a Safe Upper Limit for Heart Rate During Exercise?

What Is a Safe Upper Limit for Heart Rate During Exercise?

Get the Basics... Your safe heart rate depends on your age, as well as the rate of your resting heart rate. If you want a general idea of what your maximum exercise heart rate should be, then take 220 and subtract your age. Studies show that a resting heart rate of...