Get the Basics... The best way to stifle exercise myths is to tackle them head-on. The following ten myths are common in fitness culture. Fast food and alcohol advertising campaigns never highlight the health implications that come with consuming their products. Check...
Get the Basics... There are many types of steroids, and they all carry side effects. People take steroids for a variety of reasons, but whatever the reason, the side effects always wreak havoc on the body. Side effects of steroid use can be psychiatric, physical,...
Get the Basics... There are many types of steroids, and they all carry devastating side effects. Steroid usage is common in the world of sports — from bodybuilding to football to cycling — but any way you look at it, taking steroids to get ahead in a sport is...
Get the Basics... The BMI is a single number that is said to evaluate a person’s weight status relative to their height. According to “accepted” guidelines, there are different ranges indicating health, overweight, and obese. The story of the BMI...
Get the Basics... Many women shy away from weightlifting because they are afraid of looking too “bulky.” For women, getting huge muscles is a triumph of hard work and science over nature. Most female bodybuilders have specific body chemistry and physical...
Get the Basics... HGH’s primary function is to control the normal growth processes that each person undergoes throughout his or her life. Of all the various users of illegal HGH supplements, the three main sectors are bodybuilding, athletic performance of any...