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This 61-year old man crushes weighted BOSU Ball pushups!

This 61-year old man crushes weighted BOSU Ball pushups!

Looking for some push-up inspiration? This guy gets creative with a BOSU ball and a weighted vest! We should also mention that this man is 61-years-old! At any age, push-ups like those take some serious skill, strength, and balance, but he wows us with his great form...
Kellie Davis hip thrusts nearly 3x her body weight!

Kellie Davis hip thrusts nearly 3x her body weight!

If you thought hip thrusting the equivalent of your body weight was challenging enough, try thrusting three times your weight! Kellie Davis, the founder of Fit Thrive, makes hip-thrusting 365 lbs. — that’s three times her bodyweight — look effortless! Watch...