Get the Basics... Calcium supplements can be taken at any time of the day. Calcium is best absorbed when taken with food because the stomach acid produced aids in absorption. Calcium supplements can interact with some prescription medications. Calcium is absorbed most...
Get the Basics... Calcium is an essential chemical element that is found in your body. Chronic calcium deficiency can cause osteoporosis, which means that your bones actually become porous, with tiny little holes in them like a sponge. Chewable, powdered and liquid...
Get the Basics... Calcium supplements in solid form can be difficult to absorb. Liquid calcium can be easier for the body to absorb than both solid calcium supplements and the calcium found naturally in foods. The right liquid calcium supplement for you will be...
Get the Basics... Nutritional needs are an important factor in determining what vitamin or mineral supplements to buy. Each vitamin and mineral has a specific function in the body. It is best to consult your doctor to confirm your nutritional needs and if...
Get the Basics... Omega 3 supplements that contain certain acids are the ones that should be targeted. Too much of omega 3 can be harmful. Certain types of fish can pose more health risks due to mercury content. There isn’t a particular brand that stands above the...
Get the Basics... Prenatal vitamins are specially formulated multivitamins for women that have a larger amount of folic acid included in them. Pregnant women, nursing women, and women that are trying to conceive need an increased amount of folic acid in their diets...