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5 Biggest Diet Myths Busted

5 Biggest Diet Myths Busted

Have you ever wondered what is fact and what is fiction when hearing about the endless diet plans weightloss methods? If so, you’re not alone.

Boyce Talks Cutting

Boyce Talks Cutting

This time around, Personal Trainer and Fitness Expert Lee Boyce lays down the skinny on fat loss. Lee’s worked with clients of all walks of life, and is no stranger to dropping body fat for himself or for his clients. This is just the ticket if you’re a

Eating for Strength – What, When, and Why to Eat

Boyce Talks Bulking

When it comes to putting on size, a lot of people have it all wrong. Eat big, train heavy. That’s the basic mentality that pervades the recreational lifting ‘sphere. Unfortunately there’s a little more to it.