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How much fiber do I need in a day?

How much fiber do I need in a day?

Get the Basics... The standard recommendation for fiber consumption suggests that you should consume a minimum of 25 grams of fiber per day. If you consume fiber in the 50 grams-per-day range, then some health issues may arise. You can always try specialty products...
How much vitamin C should I take when I have a cold?

How much vitamin C should I take when I have a cold?

Get the Basics... Vitamin C is an antioxidant and a vitamin that is important for a lot of functions in the body. For normal, healthy adults, the daily recommended amount is 75 mg for women and 90 mg for men. If you have a cold or other illness you are trying to fight...
How much vitamin C should I take when I have a cold?

How much whey protein per shake should I use?

Get the Basics... Those who are looking to take protein isolate and who are moderately active can benefit from taking 20 to 25 grams of protein isolate per day. Those who are athletes and who are taking isolate can benefit from taking 40 to 50 grams of isolate per...
How much fiber do I need in a day?

How Much Omega 3 Is in Seal Oil?

Get the Basics... Manufacturers of seal oil products are the only official sources for seal oil so it is difficult to find straight answers regarding how much omega is in sea oil. Manufacturers can make claims about seal oil but knowledge of omega fatty acids and...
How much vitamin C should I take when I have a cold?

Is casein protein better than whey protein?

Get the Basics... Casein protein is the predominant protein found in mammal milk. Whey protein is a globular protein that is isolated from whey, the watery portion of separated milk. Experts at Livestrong suggest that an equal blend of whey protein and casein protein...
How much vitamin C should I take when I have a cold?

What Is Fiber?

Get the Basics... You mainly receive two types of dietary fiber: soluble and insoluble; both of which cannot be digested by the body. The major benefits of including fiber in your diet are improved bowel movements, lowered levels of cholesterol, normal blood sugar...