Motivation | Learn: Your Fitness Business Resource
#MotivationMonday: What motivates YOU?

#MotivationMonday: What motivates YOU?

For competitive athletes, finding and staying motivated can be challenging. But what about the men and women who train the basketball players, Olympic weightlifters, runners, and other athletes? While many athletes find motivation in their fans, motivation means...
Re-energize Your Monday Workouts!

Re-energize Your Monday Workouts!

Sadly, we can’t offer you a nap or coffee to perk up your Monday, but we do have some motivation for your Monday workout! Since this piece of advice is often overlooked, we’re going to give it to you straight: Don’t ignore the assisting and...
Re-energize Your Monday Workouts!

#MotivationMonday: How bad do you want it?

When it comes to your personal goals, one major question stands in the way of you and your success: How badly do you want it? Until you determine your drive to succeed, your goals will suffer. However, the moment that you make up your mind, you will be motivated to...
Kellie Davis hip thrusts nearly 3x her body weight!

Kellie Davis hip thrusts nearly 3x her body weight!

If you thought hip thrusting the equivalent of your body weight was challenging enough, try thrusting three times your weight! Kellie Davis, the founder of Fit Thrive, makes hip-thrusting 365 lbs. — that’s three times her bodyweight — look effortless! Watch...