- Even if you have an enlarged heart you can, with your doctor’s approval, exercise.
- In some cases, patients with enlarged hearts can actually benefit from getting regular exercise.
- There are two different types of enlarged hearts: dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM).
- In more advanced cases of DCM or HCM, exercise without strict doctor’s orders is not a good idea.
Even if you have an enlarged heart you can, with your doctor’s approval, exercise.
Regardless of who you are, how old you are, or what condition you might be suffering from, you may still want to get into shape or stay in shape.
One of the best ways to do this is with exercises like weight training. However, in certain situations and with certain medical conditions, you may not be sure if exercise is really the best thing for you. Those people suffering from an enlarged heart may have these same questions about the benefit of exercise.
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What Are the Benefits of Exercise With an Enlarged Heart?
It has been suggested by experts at the Mayo Clinic that in some cases, patients with enlarged hearts can actually benefit from getting regular exercise.
That is perhaps the main reason why they often recommend exercise for certain people who are suffering from an enlarged heart.
In fact, in a recent study of people with dilated cardiomyopathy, patients with high blood pressure found that light to moderate exercise was actually as helpful to their condition as medication was. This study has led to hope that in some situations, exercise can be more helpful than once thought.
Of course, another benefit to people exercising with an enlarged heart is that it improves their overall fitness.
While there are still plenty of unknowns about the full benefits of exercise, staying in good shape and having a modicum of health, nutrition and fitness is a great way to combat almost any medical condition in some fashion. It may not be a cure, but it sure doesn’t hurt either.
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Sign UpWhat Are the Restrictions When Exercising With an Enlarged Heart?
There are actually two different types of enlarged hearts:
Dilated Cardiomyopathy
The first is what is known as dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Many people who suffer from this condition don’t have side effects from this condition until they have had it for an extended period of time.
In these cases, many cardiologists will often recommend exercise as some research indicates that exercise can actually improve their conditions.
However, it is worth noting that if you experience any dizziness, prolonged shortness of breath or you are having difficulty recovering from a workout, you should probably consider pulling back a little bit on your exercise routine. If your symptoms are severe, you should not exercise unless ordered to do so by your doctor.
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
For those who have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), it is often recommended that they speak with their doctor first before they begin any exercise routine. In some cases, a doctor might consider mild forms of exercise to be helpful.
However, this course of action is on a patient-by-patient basis and what works for one person may not be recommended for another one.
What Sort of Exercise Should I Do With an Enlarged Heart?
With this condition, whether it is dilated cardiomyopathy or HCM, the type of exercise you are going to be able to do will vary greatly in terms of your actual condition. In more light or mild cases, you can normally work out as hard as you would like to. Of course, you want to be aware of any symptoms, but if you don’t notice any, then you can keep working out at high intensities if you wish.
If your condition is more advanced, that does not mean that exercise is out of the question. Even in these situations, there is evidence that exercise can sometimes be very beneficial. However, it is best to make sure that the exercises you do are not too intense. In these circumstances, too strong of a workout can end up causing more harm than good.
In more advanced cases of DCM or HCM, exercise without strict doctor’s orders is not a good idea. If the heart cannot supply proper blood flow to the body as is often the case in advanced conditions, then even the lightest of exercises can prove to be too risky to chance.
Regardless of the severity of your condition, it is always best to consult with your doctor before starting any exercise plan, not only as a precaution but because your condition might warrant the extra care. You see, these conditions can often be caused by underlying issues and some of those issues can put your health in serious jeopardy if you decide to take on an exercise plan without consulting a doctor or specialist first.
If you’ve been medically cleared to exercise, go PRO today for access to heart-healthy workouts.