Today, Keoni Hudoba of and creator of “DRENCHED” was able to answer some questions from the community. We have been enjoying on the insightful information various fitness professionals have been sharing.
Remember that President’s Fitness Challenge you had to do back in grade school? So do we, and we were recently wondering, “What was that all about??”. Here’s a little more information to explain how it came about, and where it’s headed now.
We have been receiving some great user success stories. So we decided it was time to start sharing these stories with the community and the Internet world.
Whether you are jogging, doing crunches, using weights or taking a class, working out should always be a pleasurable experience. It just makes sense, but is also a scientific fact that as human beings, we are sort of pre-programmed to repeat the things we
These days the majority of children spend to much of their time either playing video games, surfing the internet, or watching television. To make matters worse, they often consume a good deal of junk food during these activities. The result of this