Glutamine supplements have many uses for the body.
The body naturally produces glutamine and you also receive some with a balanced diet.
Glutamine is the most abundant of all the amino acids in the body, however, the body makes just enough for regular needs.
Under extreme stress or intense exercise, the body will need more glutamine.
For those who need extra glutamine, they can get it with either food or supplements. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, a healthy diet will usually give you all the glutamine that you need.
However, those who exercise heavily, have prolonged stress, have had surgery, infections or even injuries might not be getting all the glutamine they need. In these cases, a supplement is recommended.
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What Are Some of the Common Uses of Glutamine Supplements?
There are several uses for glutamine supplements. A common one is to help a body stressed from injuries or wounds.
When a body has been put through physical stress, such as from an injury, it releases cortisol into the blood. This release will lower your body’s glutamine stores. Studies have shown glutamine supplementation to be very effective when the body is stressed.
Endurance training athletes also suffer from glutamine deficiencies. Studies have shown those athletes competing in heavy exercise, marathon runners, for example, had fewer colds and infections when supplementing with glutamine. The theory regarding this is that an athlete’s immune system can be compromised because of the lack of glutamine in the body.
Another great use of glutamine is to protect the lining of one’s GI tract. This lining is called mucosa. Because of this, people who suffer from diseases affecting the bowel are thought to have deficiencies in glutamine. More research is being done to see the effects of glutamine supplementation on those suffering from diseases of the bowel.
Those suffering from cancer and who are using chemotherapy to treat it can benefit from glutamine. Studies have shown that patients who are not receiving enough nutrients do better when receiving glutamine supplements. Chemotherapy can sometimes cause stomatitis, which seems to be less in frequency when supplementing with glutamine.
Lastly, glutamine supplementation has been shown to help those suffering from HIV or AIDs. Weight loss is a common side effect of HIV/AIDs.
Studies have shown that those who supplement with glutamine and a few other key vitamins have a better chance of gaining back needed body weight. They are also able to absorb nutrients better through their intestines.
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What Foods Naturally Contain Glutamine and How Are They Beneficial to the Body?
According to The World’s Healthiest Foods website, foods rich in glutamine can help in several ways. It can help your body produce a key antioxidant known as glutathione.
Glutamine-rich foods will help maintain a person’s amount of muscle. They can also help with keeping your intestinal tract healthy and keep your body acid-base balance intact.
Some of the best sources of glutamine in foods are dairy products such as milk and cheese, cabbage, beans, beets, fish, chicken, and beef.
Are There Any Side Effects to Glutamine Supplements?
There is always a concern with side effects when it comes to any sort of supplementation. Glutamine supplementation is no different. It does seem to be safe for doses up to fourteen grams or higher per day.
Glutamine should not be taken with any hot beverage since it is an amino acid and will be destroyed at hot temperatures. Those who are using the supplements should keep them in dry areas of their homes.
Those who are sensitive to gluten should not have an issue with taking glutamine. They are not associated with each other.
However, if you experience headaches, burning sensations, pressure in the face or tingling in your body, you should seek medical assistance. These are signs of sensitivity to glutamine supplements.
Those who have Reye’s syndrome, kidney disease, or liver disease should not supplement with glutamine unless they have the approval of their doctor. Elderly people who have shown a decrease in the proper functioning of their kidneys should only take small doses of glutamine.
While supplementation with glutamine can be beneficial for some people, it should always be implemented with care. Before starting a glutamine supplement consult with a physician or expert professional.
Proper diet and exercise are beneficial for overall health. For an exercise routine that will help you stay healthy and strong, sign up for a PRO plan today.