If you are looking for a recommendation for a single fat burner for women everywhere, you are going to be disappointed.
Because everyone has a different physiology, something that works for one woman may not work at all for another woman.
This means that no matter what claims a supplement company makes regarding a fat burner for women, it won’t be the right one for all women.
In fact, according to an article about weight loss pills from the Mayo Clinic, not only is data regarding fat burners too limited, but some can be dangerous to take.
As such, you should speak to your doctor before you include fat burners in your diet to ensure that you can take them safely.
You will find that there are specific brands that are targeted specifically at women. Sometimes these products contain vitamins and minerals that benefit women more than men.
Of course, you can’t achieve lasting results by just taking a fat burner. Proper diet and exercise are needed. Track your workouts and more when you sign up for our PRO plan. With our advanced stats in a convenient app, it’s never been easier to stay motivated and meet your fitness goals!
How Should I Choose a Fat Burner for Myself?
As mentioned above, your first step should be a visit to your doctor.
He or she will be able to tell you whether you should take fat burners at all.
- Once you have discussed the risks with your doctor, it is time to go into research mode. Your first stop should be the FDA because they will archive press releases regarding any fat burners.
- You can also use the FDA website to learn about new products that have been released on the market.
- It is important to note that being mentioned on the FDA website doesn’t mean that the FDA is recommending a product, they are simply in the business of keeping track of what’s out there.
- After you have checked the FDA for potentially problematic fat burners, you need to use anecdotal information. This is information from people who have actually used fat burners.
- Two things that you should avoid are weightlifting websites and review websites that sell products. It is next to impossible to get an unbiased review from these two sources.
- You should look for forums that are dedicated to women that discuss losing weight. Typically you can find a topic on weight loss supplements that will include fat burners.
Lastly, once you have narrowed down your choices to one or two products, take the time to do an online search for interactions and side effects for those products. Great sources are the Mayo Clinic and WebMD. In addition, you can find information on a variety of supplements right here on this website.
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Are There Natural Ways to Induce Fat Burning?
According to WebMD, you can burn fat naturally. In fact, they really don’t recommend taking fat burners in general because of the adverse side effects that fat burning can bring.
There are foods that you can eat that will help to increase your metabolism, which in turn will increase your body’s ability to burn fat. In addition, the right exercises will achieve these results as well.
If you are young you can manage this without significant diet changes. If you are older, however, you will have to manage fat burning with both an appropriate diet and with exercise.
You also have to understand that either with the use of fat burning supplements or via natural means, losing fat takes time. What’s more, as you get into shape, you will develop muscle, which weighs more than fat in terms of the space it takes up. If you see an increase in weight gain but a decrease in your dress size then you are still doing the right thing!
What Are Some of the Medical Concerns About Fat Burners?
In an article for Time Magazine, Dr. Ian K. Smith M.D. wrote about the trouble with fat burners. Dr. Smith points out in this article that not only is there no evidence that fat burners are beneficial but there is plenty of evidence that they are dangerous.
Some of the side effects experienced by people who have taken fat burners include:
- Arrhythmia
- Heart attack
- Hypertension
- Racing heart
- Restlessness
- Stroke
- Seizures
While ephedra is now banned from fat burner products, this doesn’t negate the risk of using products on the shelves today. That is why it is very important that you talk to your doctor before including a fat burner in your exercise and nutrition plan.
For a weight loss plan that works, go PRO today for access to workout routines, nutrition trackers, online personal trainers, and more.