There are several websites that offer caffeine supplements online for a less costly price.
In some cases, even with shipping costs, buying supplements online can be cheaper than going to a drug store.
The cost of maintaining inventory can raise the price of store-bought supplements while online distributors are able to cut costs in a more efficient way.
While caffeine supplements can help boost energy, it’s best to do some research before trying any new supplement.
Some supplements can have adverse effects, especially those containing caffeine.
According to WebMD, the most common use of caffeine is to heighten mental alertness. It can also be used for the following: treatment of migraines, gallbladder disease, asthma, ADHD, and low blood pressure; even newborns have been given caffeine to help them with shortness of breath.
Fitness enthusiasts have also been known to use caffeine as a pre-workout. Remember that supplementation can only take you so far. For the most progress, pair your healthy diet and supplement routine with daily exercise. Go PRO today for access to workout plans, personal trainers, and more.
Are Caffeine Supplements Good for Weight Loss?
According to a report by CNN, studies have shown that supplementing with caffeine can help with weight loss. The stimulant caffeine does speed up the metabolism and can also keep the body from feeling listless when trying to stick to a diet. There’s also research that shows caffeine can act as an appetite suppressant and boost energy for workouts.
However, there are certain things to be wary of when trying caffeine supplements. The FDA does not require manufacturers of supplements to test their products. While they do need to put their dosage of caffeine per serving, sometimes the correct amount isn’t always presented accurately.
There are supplements out there that have as much caffeine as thirty cans of Coca Cola. For those who are more susceptible to caffeine’s side effects, this could pose a problem when supplementing.
An important thing to note is that more than four hundred milligrams of caffeine per day (three to four cups of coffee) won’t make a difference in weight loss. However, it could bring on unwanted side effects such as insomnia, headaches, and jitteriness.
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Other Than Weight Loss, What Are Caffeine Supplements Good For?
The most common form of stimulant among athletes is caffeine. However, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) only allows certain limits of caffeine to be consumed by each individual athlete with urine concentrations over fifteen mcg/mL not being allowed. To equal this amount in an individual’s urine, they would have to consume around eight cups of coffee each with one hundred milligrams per cup.
Some other uses for caffeine are in creams. Creams that contain caffeine are effective in reducing both itchiness and redness for those affected by the skin disease dermatitis.
Who Should Avoid Supplementing or Consuming Caffeine?
Those who are singers or other voice professionals are almost always advised against the use of caffeine. Those with voice disorders are also advised against using caffeine. These recommendations were never founded until recently where research has shown that caffeine can harm voice quality.
Women who are trying to conceive are advised against high caffeine consumption. According to research, those women who drink more than one cup of coffee per day have an increased chance of not conceiving than those who drink less than one cup or none at all.
Women who are pregnant and breastfeeding are also advised against consuming too much caffeine. While research has shown that pregnant women can consume up to three hundred milligrams of caffeine per day, there are those who believe this can even be too much.
Concern over how much caffeine actually crosses the placenta leads some to believe that most if not all that is consumed by the mother gets passed along to the unborn child. Because of that, there are those that worry the unborn child can go through withdrawals much like babies who go through heroin withdrawals.
Most physicians will recommend one cup of coffee which has no more than one hundred milligrams of caffeine to pregnant and nursing mothers.
Those who have anxiety disorders should also avoid caffeine. Consumption of caffeine can increase anxiety, and for those already suffering from this, additional stress by caffeine can be harmful.
Anyone suffering from sleep disorders (insomnia) should decrease their caffeine intake if not eliminate it completely. One of the side effects of too much caffeine is insomnia, so increasing the chances of not sleeping can be detrimental for those who have trouble with it anyway.
Those who suffer from osteoporosis should not consume caffeine. Caffeine actually depletes the body of calcium for your bones and calcium is needed to keep your bones strong.
Where Can I Get Cheap Caffeine Supplements Online?
A simple Google search can provide you with the answer to this question! Amazon, for example, has many supplements in its marketplace, like this one, that do not break the bank.
While caffeine supplements can increase energy and focus so can a proper diet and exercise. For those looking to become healthier and more alert finding an exercise routine that fits your lifestyle and goals can be equally important. Go PRO today for a wide range of workout plans, workout challenges, and more.