Ultimate Guide to Squat Technique
The illustrious squat, a most supreme compound exercise, is hailed by muscle builders across the globe as a must do move. The problem with the squat is many who attempt the motion do so with improper technique.
The illustrious squat, a most supreme compound exercise, is hailed by muscle builders across the globe as a must do move. The problem with the squat is many who attempt the motion do so with improper technique.
Weight training for runners can help improve your speed and energy, whether you’re looking to improve your run times on a track, cross country, or even just a run around the neighborhood.
Having a workout goal is easy. Just look at everyone’s new years resolutions each January. Many of them are the same — lose inches around the waist, get rid of a beer belly, or whatever fits the person.
What do a human flag, iron cross, and front lever have in common? They’re going to put you in a lot of pain! Why? Because they’re some of the hardest exercises ever!
Don’t you hate it when you get to the gym and just feel lost? If you’re going in without a game plan, you’re going to have a hard time succeeding! You need a great weight lifting schedule to keep yourself on track!
We’ve all done it: tried to lift too much too soon, worn ridiculous workout clothes, or made a fool of ourselves while weight training.