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The Best Types of Exercise Equipment Money Can Buy

The Best Types of Exercise Equipment Money Can Buy

Getting in shape is just about the most common New Years Resolution you’re going to find. Everybody wants to get in shape around the Holidays and use the best types of exercise equipment. Maybe it’s the food.

Should I take my creatine pre or post workout?

Should I take my creatine pre or post workout?

Get the Basics... Creatine is a common supplement taken by athletes and bodybuilders. Creatine supplements can be taken before or after a workout. Creatine supplements may help you work out for longer periods and recover easier from long workouts. Once you’ve decided...
Should I take my creatine pre or post workout?

Should you take creatine when your muscles are sore?

Get the Basics... Creatine is a common supplement taken by athletes and bodybuilders. Creatine supplements are not anti-inflammatory and therefore will not help with muscle soreness. Creatine supplements may help you work out for longer periods and recover easier from...
Should I take my creatine pre or post workout?

What are the problems with high creatine levels?

Get the Basics... Creatine is a common supplement taken by athletes and bodybuilders. Loading, or taking high levels of creatine, can cause problems, or even be potentially unsafe. High creatine levels also cause high creatinine levels in the body. Athletic and...