Get the Basics... There are many types of steroids, and they all carry devastating side effects. Steroid usage is common in the world of sports — from bodybuilding to football to cycling — but any way you look at it, taking steroids to get ahead in a sport is...
Get the Basics... Professional bodybuilders like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jay Cutler can give aspiring bodybuilders a great idea of how to fashion successful diets. The goal of a bodybuilding diet is usually to either bulk up or go for a deep cut. Bodybuilders can...
Get the Basics... Bloating after cardio is common. Post-cardio bloating is usually temporary and will subside as your body gets used to a new exercise routine. Water retention is the most likely cause. Normally, the body adjusts and bloat does not continue....
Get the Basics... The theory behind the full-body workout is to make better use of that time by exercising all of your muscle groups in a single session. A full-body workout puts tremendous strain on the muscles because the focus is on short bursts of very intense...
Get the Basics... Most experienced athletes and personal trainers recommend a leg workout three times per week. A leg workout should never be done on more than five consecutive days. The optimal means of exercising the legs would be through targeted exercises in the...
Get the Basics... One of the best ways to successfully deal with stress is by getting in a good workout. Yoga is often seen as an essential stress-relieving workout. Cardiovascular workouts are another way to relieve some stress. Stress is an unfortunate aspect of...