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4 Workouts for Stronger Hip Flexors (Demo Videos)

4 Workouts for Stronger Hip Flexors (Demo Videos)

Get the Basics... Learn how to strengthen tight hip flexors and increase hip mobility. The following exercises require no equipment, which makes them simple to do at home. Watch demonstration videos by Dean Somerset, an expert in strength training and mobility...
6 Squats for Powerful Quads (Demo Videos)

6 Squats for Powerful Quads (Demo Videos)

Get the Basics... Learn how to do six types of squats. Squats are a powerful workout. Every type of squat impacts the quads the most, but other leg muscles reap the benefits, too. Squats build your quads and other major leg muscles, giving your body a powerful...
Gym Etiquette for the New-Year Newbies

Gym Etiquette for the New-Year Newbies

Get the Basics... If you’re new to the gym world and want to feel more confident on your first day, follow this helpful guide. Always put equipment back where you got it. Be aware of other gym patrons’ personal space, and ask if the equipment is already in...
5 Fresh Ways to Plank (Demo Videos)

5 Fresh Ways to Plank (Demo Videos)

Get the Basics... Basic planks focus on the abs, lower back, and shoulders. Other types of planks can also work your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and obliques. Experiment with new types of planks to engage and strengthen muscle groups that need attention. Planks are a...
Helpful Stretches for the Lower Back and Hips

Helpful Stretches for the Lower Back and Hips

Get the Basics... If you deal with consistent tightness in your lower back and hips, stretching regularly is helpful. Tight hips tighten the lower back, but stretching helps maintain hip flexibility and stability. Learn how to do a simple hip stretch you can do...
Helpful Stretches for the Lower Back and Hips

Impactful Stretches for the Neck and Shoulders

Get the Basics... If you regularly suffer from a tight neck and sore shoulders, stretching can help alleviate the pain. Learn how to do stretches such as neck-releasers, the wall press, and the spine roll. Check out videos on how to perform stretches on Pilates...