Glutamine Peptides

Glutamine Peptides

Build Muscle / Burn Fat

If you have an interest in fitness, especially bodybuilding or weight training, then you may have heard of glutamine peptides. When it comes to building muscle or even losing fat through building muscle, you will want to take every possible advantage for maximizing your efforts.

By taking supplements like glutamine peptides, you may be able to increase the benefits of a comprehensive weight lifting routine. That is because many attributes are contributed to glutamine peptides.

What you have to understand is that many studies done on glutamine were conducted using intravenous glutamine and not glutamine peptides or glutamine supplements. This distinction is important because much of what is believed about supplements stems from studies that do not use these supplements as part of the studies.  

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Glutamine Peptides and Safety The assumption is that since the intravenous product is beneficial in a number of ways, then a supplement should also be as beneficial. Claims on supplements are not monitored or supported by the FDA, which is why companies can make these claims without doing ... more

Glutamine Peptides and Safety

The assumption is that since the intravenous product is beneficial in a number of ways, then a supplement should also be as beneficial. Claims on supplements are not monitored or supported by the FDA, which is why companies can make these claims without doing studies of their own.

With that being said, because glutamine is relatively benign in supplement form, you will not damage your body if you choose to use glutamine peptides to determine whether they will provide the claimed benefits. You could end up discovering that glutamine peptides provide you with all of the benefits that you need for your athletic goals!

Glutamine Peptides Defined

 If you are looking for the building blocks of the human body, you are looking for amino acids. Amino acids are the basis for proteins and are basically the things that create a living body. Over 75% of the entire human body is made up of amino acids. With over 20 different types of amino acids, you will find that they are responsible for almost every function of the body.

Of all amino acids found in the body glutamine is the most present amino acid found in the body’s muscle and blood. This amino acid is often required in higher amounts when the body is under stress as when you are performing a rigorous weight lifting workout routine. In order to fill this void, fitness enthusiast will often take supplements of L-glutamine glutamine peptides.

Glutamine Peptides Benefits

The former, L-glutamine is perhaps the most common supplement taking by weight trainers. The reason why is that it is believed that glutamine helps develop lean muscle while reducing the amount of body fat a person has via cell volumization. This volumization happens when water is drawn inside the muscle.

This does a few very specific things:

  • Muscle pump: Firstly, it promotes a more full muscle for one. This is called a muscle pump, where although the muscle really isn’t bigger, it appears bigger during weightlifting.
  • Protein synthesis: Secondly, this influx of water helps to create more proteins otherwise known as protein synthesis. 
  • Prevent muscle breakdown: It also helps to prevent premature breakdown of existing proteins in the muscle.

Glutamine Peptides and Recovery

Another benefit to glutamine is recovery time, which is especially important to weight lifters and body builders alike. One of the keys to building or developing muscles is making sure your muscles have recovered from the last workout. In fact, recovery time is as important to properly building muscle as lifting the actual weight.

Studies have shown that glutamine reduces the recovery time in postoperative patients. Because of this, the assumption exists that it will also improve the recovery time for weightlifters. If you are a weight trainer, then you can easily see the benefit. Less recovery time means that you can workout again sooner!

Glutamine Peptides and Free Radicals

When a cell in the body uses oxygen, these cells as a byproduct to produce what are known as free radicals.  These free radicals can cause all sorts of trouble in the human body. Health issues such as heart disease and cancer, just to name a few, can be caused by these dangerous free radicals.

In order to fight off the effects of these free radicals antioxidants are necessary. The basic definition of antioxidants is that they are free radical feeders. By eliminating free radicals, you reduce your chances of having to deal with many different serious medical conditions. 

One of the most powerful antioxidants you will find in the human body is glutathione. Taking glutamine supplements may be able to prevent a reduction of glutathione in the body and may actually increase your glutathione levels.

Lastly, other suggested benefits of glutamine are the supposed release of extra human growth hormone. This is believed to help stabilize protein turnover rate in the muscles, help improve anti-inflammatory function within the body and also it is suggested that it improves muscle glycogen. However, it must be noted that many of the latter benefits have yet to be conclusively studied and proven in research trials.

Glutamine Peptides and the Glutamine Paradox

While these benefits have been attributed to L-glutamine, they are the same for glutamine peptides, with one small exception.  In order for the body to receive all the benefits from glutamine, it must make it to the blood stream.

The problem is that when taking L-glutamine, anywhere from 50 to 80% of the glutamine load ends up being absorbed in the liver and intestines. Meaning only a small amount of the glutamine actually makes it to the blood stream. This is often referred to as the glutamine paradox.

In the case of L-glutamine, the lack of the glutamine load getting to the blood stream happens because L-glutamine is what is known as a free form amino acid. This means that they do not bond with other amino acids.

However, by replacing L-glutamine with glutamine peptides, your body will receive all the possible benefits of glutamine without the unnecessary absorption of the glutamine into the surrounding organs. This happens because glutamine peptides are not free and can bond with other amino acids. This makes them more stable and allows for the full glutamine load to enter the body’s blood stream. 

The exception is when glutamine is taken intravenously. In hospital setting, when glutamine is given to patients, it is L-glutamine, not glutamine peptides. Avoiding the glutamine paradox is possible because the glutamine is injected directly into the bloodstream, avoiding the need to go through the liver and the intestines.

Glutamine Peptides Side Effects

The best news is that since glutamine is produced naturally in the body, you will likely not experience any significant side effects from taking this supplement. In some cases, if you take too much glutamine supplement, you might end up experiencing a mild upset stomach at the worse.

In addition, you might want to speak with your doctor before taking glutamine peptides. While there may be little to worry about when it comes to possible side effects from taking a glutamine supplement, you may not know if it could potentially interfere with any medications you may be taking.

Glutamine Peptides Warnings

If you have renal or liver diseases, you should not take any glutamine products as they will worsen your condition and cause renal or liver failure, which can be life threatening.

In addition, some studies show that glutamine can worsen neurological issues, so you shouldn’t take glutamine if you have Huntington’s, MS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, epilepsy or brain tumor.

If you have any medical conditions or are taking any medication, ask your doctor before taking glutamine peptides or any glutamine products. Go to the supplement finder provided to view and compare this and other nutritional supplements now! 


  • Side Effects
  • Other Names
  • Uses
Upset Stomach
Alanyl-L-Glutamine Dipeptide, GLN, Glutamate, Glutamic Acid, Glutamic Acid HCl, Glutamina, Glutaminate, Glutamine Ethyl Ester, Glutamine Ethyl Ester HCl, Glutamine Methyl Ester, Glutamine Peptides, Levoglutamide, Levoglutamine, L-(+)-2-Aminoglutaramic acid, L-Glutamic Acid, L-Glutamic Acid HCl, L-Glutamic Acid Hydrochloride, L-Glutamic Acid 5-Amide, L-Glutamine, N-Acetyl-L-Glutamine, Q
Build Muscle
Burn Fat
Increase Growth Hormone
Muscle Recovery