

Cleanse/Digestion / Aid Overall Health

Bromelain is made up of a mixture of enzymes that digest protein that is found in pineapple. This delicious fruit has been used for hundreds of years in Central and South America to treat inflammation and indigestion.

This supplement is derived from the juice and stem of the pineapple fruit. It was first isolated in the 1800s. Bromelain can be used to treat a number of conditions; it can also be an effective remedy for reducing inflammation in patients with infections and who have suffered injuries.

Some studies looking at the effects of Bromelain have found that this supplement can be helpful for patients who are recovering from surgery or wounds. It can also be used to treat burn patients and for treating people who are experiencing hay fever or sinusitis.

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Bromelain Benefits The results of studies looking at whether Bromelain is effective at reducing bruising, swelling and pain associated with surgery and other types of injuries are mixed. This substance may be used to treat the inflammation that often accompanies sprains, strains, tendoniti... more

Bromelain Benefits

The results of studies looking at whether Bromelain is effective at reducing bruising, swelling and pain associated with surgery and other types of injuries are mixed. This substance may be used to treat the inflammation that often accompanies sprains, strains, tendonitis and other muscle injuries.

When Bromelain is applied to animal skin, it is helpful in removing dead tissue from third degree burns. A preliminary study has found that an agent derived from Bromelain has been beneficial in treating people with second and third-degree burns. This substance can also be applied directly onto the skin to bring down swelling resulting from insect bites and stings.

The results of some studies have found that Bromelain may be an effective treatment for the coughing and increased levels of nasal mucus that is associated with sinusitis. It can also be used to relieve swelling and inflammation caused by hay fever or swelling in the ears, nose and throat caused by surgery or trauma.

According to the results of other studies, Bromelain can be used to treat osteoarthritis. It was found to be as effective as NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications), such as ibuprofen, diclofenac and naproxen. The results of some preliminary studies point to Bromelain as an effective pain reliever for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, but the results are not definitive.

Bromelain Dosage

Although Bromelain is found in pineapple, a person cannot eat enough pineapple to get the medicinal benefit from it. The supplement is available in a capsule or a tablet, and it's meant to be taken orally.

Healthcare providers may use a topical version to treat severe burns. This should not be attempted by a lay person; a severe burn (one that causes a blister or turns black) needs to be treated by trained medical personnel.

Bromelain is not recommended for children, since there are no known studies that have focused on giving this substance to youngsters. The recommended dosage for adults varies, depending on the reason for taking it, and is as follows:

  • General use: 80-320 mg, 2-3 times per day
  • Digestive aid: 500 mg per day, taken with meals
  • Injuries: 500 mg, four times per day taken on an empty stomach
  • Arthritis: 500-2000 mg per day, taken in two doses

This substance is not meant to be taken over a long term. Instead, the maximum time that a person should be taking it is between 8-10 days.

Bromelain Side Effects and Interactions

Bromelain is not associated with severe side effects. In most cases, users report experiencing stomach-related symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Women of childbearing years report heavy menstrual bleeding while using it. 

A person who has an allergy to pineapples should not use this substance. It can cause skin reactions or symptoms that are similar to asthma. Pregnant women and people who have high blood pressure, bleeding disorders, liver or kidney disease should not take it.

An individual who is taking antibiotics should not take Bromelain; it can increase the amount of the medication that is being absorbed. Patients who have been prescribed blood thinners are also cautioned against taking Bromelain.

For patients who are taking medications that have a sedative effect, Bromelain can increase this effect. These types of medications include benzodiazepines, tricyclic antidepressants, barbiturates and anticonvulsants. Alcohol acts in much the same way, and pairing Bromelain with it will only multiply this effect.

Bromelain helps to decrease inflammation after a person has been injured or following a surgical procedure. Burn victims are also helped by this substance, which can be applied directly to the skin by medical personnel. Before taking it for medicinal purposes, consult a physician to make sure that the dosage is correct. Use the supplement finder to get the Bromelain source you need now!


  • Side Effects
  • Other Names
  • Uses
Heavy Menstral Flow
Ananus ananus, Ananus duckei, Ananas comosus, Ananas sativus, Bromelaine, Bromélaïne, Bromelains, Bromelainum, Bromelia ananus, Bromelia comosa, Bromelin, Bromelina, pHysioprotease, Pineapple, Pineapple Enzyme, Pineapple Extract, Plant Protease Concentrate
Surgical Recovery
Wound Healing
Pain Reliever
Insect Bites And Stings
Hay Fever