

Aid Overall Health

Pygeum comes from the African plum tree. Pygeum has been used in both traditional and non-traditional medicine in ancient history. In modern medicine, pygeum is not used to treat any ailments.

Pygeum is available as supplements and is used to promote prostate health, treat urinary tract infections, treat enlarged prostate, as an anti-inflammatory and to enhance sexual performance.

Pygeum is most commonly used by men because of its natural ability to enhance prostate health. In addition, it is sold as a way to enhance potency, which is also directed towards men.

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Pygeum and the Prostate Surprisingly, there have been real clinical studies conducted on pygeum to determine its use for the prostate. We say surprising because, with many natural remedies, it is difficult to find acceptable clinical studies to go along with the claims made by manufacturer... more

Pygeum and the Prostate

Surprisingly, there have been real clinical studies conducted on pygeum to determine its use for the prostate. We say surprising because, with many natural remedies, it is difficult to find acceptable clinical studies to go along with the claims made by manufacturers.

While pygeum showed no benefits for prostate cancer in studies, it did show at least a modest benefit for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is the enlarging of the prostate without the presence of cancer.

Without treatment, the prostate will grow until it blocks the urethra, making it difficult to urinate. In many cases, this is painless, but not always. In addition, men with benign prostatic hyperplasia are usually prone to more urinary tract infections and often can’t empty their bladders, leading to the feeling of always having to urinate.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia occurs when excessive amounts of testosterone reaches the prostate. For this reason, you will often find pygeum combined with palmetto because it is believed that palmetto prevents testosterone from reaching the prostate in high levels.

While benign prostatic hyperplasia isn’t life threatening in general, preliminary results of some newer studies show if left untreated, men with benign prostatic hyperplasia have a higher risk of prostate cancer than men who don’t have this condition. Statistics show that:

  • About 50% of men have benign prostatic hyperplasia by the time they are 50 years old
  • About half of those men, it is believed, will develop prostate cancer by the time they are 75 years old if their condition is left untreated

It is important to note that this information is based on data from early studies on men who have benign prostatic hyperplasia. Only time will tell if this information is correct; however, treating this condition is easy and safe, so it is better to be safe than sorry.

Pygeum Side Effects and Interactions

The side effects of any long-term use of pygeum are minimal. The most common side effect is gas. However, other side effects may include:

  • General stomach upset
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea

Some rare but serious side effects include:

  • Hives
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Rash
  • Tightness in the chest

There are no known drug interaction when using pygeum. While this is good news, it doesn’t discount the importance of talking to your doctor before you take pygeum products if you are taking any medications. In addition, if you have any medical conditions, you should talk to your doctor before taking any pygeum supplements

Pygeum is not medically prescribed, so if you have a prostate condition and your doctor has prescribed you medication, take your medication! Don’t try to self-treat with natural herbs. If you want to try a natural alternative, talk to your doctor about your options. Not only will this ensure that your doctor is part of your treatment plan, but it will also ensure that you are taking the things that will benefit you the most.

Pygeum has only been tested on men in trials. Women should not take pygeum products nor should children or infants be given pygeum products.

Pygeum Supplements and Dosing

Pygeum supplements are available in pill and liquid form. It can take several weeks of taking supplements for you to see the benefit to your prostate. Some men never experience a benefit from using pygeum, which is why it is important to talk to your doctor if you suspect or know you have benign prostatic hyperplasia.

The cost of pygeum ranges from $2 to $70. Because supplements aren’t monitored by the FDA, it is important that you only use quality sources for your pygeum. This means that a $2 bottle of pygeum may be a low quality product. Keep that in mind while you are purchasing a supplement.

The recommended dosing of pygeum is 100 mg a day taken twice a day in 50 mg tablets, pills, etc. However, you will also find that there are much higher doses of pygeum available. There are no known facts for overdosing on pygeum so it is unclear whether or not these higher doses will cause any problems. You can use the free supplement finder to locate and compare pygeum supplement now!


  • Side Effects
  • Other Names
  • Uses
Difficulty Breathing
Stomach Upset
Tightness In Chest
African Plum Tree, African Prune, African Pygeum, Ciruelo Africano, Prunus africana, Pygeum africanum, Pygeum Africanus
Enlarged Prostate
Prostate Health
Sexual Performance
Urinary Tract Infection