Ready-To-Drink Supplements

Ready-To-Drink Supplements

Build Muscle / Gain Weight / Increase Energy / Lose Weight

Ready-To-Drink supplements have become very popular over the last few years. After all, a premade shake in a can is much easier to remember than a powder you have to mix and blend!

There are quite a few different brands available to choose from, each catering to a different dietary need. For instance, the most popular type of RTD (Ready-To-Drinks) supplement is the protein shake.

Contrary to the popular stereotype, the majority of the RTD supplement shakes and formulas are beneficial to a wide range of consumers – not just body builders, weight trainers and health nuts. They offer an easy alternative that helps close the gap between a busy lifestyle and eating healthy – especially since they come in a wide variety of flavors to choose from.

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Ready-To-Drinks Benefits The most common reason that consumers choose to use RTD supplemental shakes is their ease of use. It doesn’t take very much time to open a cap and pour a drink. They’re especially convenient on trips and for use at the office because they don’t require any preparat... more

Ready-To-Drinks Benefits

The most common reason that consumers choose to use RTD supplemental shakes is their ease of use. It doesn’t take very much time to open a cap and pour a drink. They’re especially convenient on trips and for use at the office because they don’t require any preparation nor do they require any refrigeration until they are opened.

Some of the ready-to-drink products can also be exchanged for an entire meal. For this reason, they can both help you lose or gain weight. However, you should never substitute your entire meal plan with RTD – your body will not receive enough required nutrients

RTD protein shakes are also seen as an excellent way to help curb your appetite and build muscle mass at the same time. Most people see the most benefits if they drink the supplement shake at the beginning of the day with breakfast so that they feel fuller in between meals. Some are also formulated with extra fiber, generally around 5g, which makes it a lot easier to maintain a high fiber diet.   

Ready-To-Drinks Side Effects

The majority of RTD supplement shakes do not have any serious adverse side effects. For instance, the protein and fiber shakes rarely affect anything other than the gastrointestinal tract. Although, even the popular, widely regarded as safe creatine shakes have the potential to cause serious side effects – especially if the body is not used to the supplement. Oftentimes, the effects can be lessened by slowly incorporating the new RTD supplement into your diet.

You should always ensure that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients before consuming a RTD supplement shake. An allergic reaction will typically present with hives, a rash, or mild itching – if you have any difficulty breathing or swallowing immediately discontinue use and seek emergency medical treatment.

Unfortunately, a small number of the ready-to-drinks carry the risk of some pretty hefty side effects. These can include nausea, liver damage, dizziness, loss of balance, stroke, heart complications and even death. Typically, these are marketed as weight loss products. If you are worried about any of the potential risks you should consult with your doctor before use.

Ready-To-Drinks Supplemental Considerations

Two of the most common ingredients in RTD supplement shakes are whey and casein. For this reason, consumers that have an allergy to milk should not plan on incorporating them into their diet. Soy and wheat are another high allergy risk with premade shakes and other supplement drinks. Due to the risk of an allergic reaction from the inactive ingredients found in the drinks you should always read the labels thoroughly – if you have any further questions about the way the product was processed contact the company directly.

You should always consult with your physician if you have any current health conditions or if you are taking any type of medication – this includes other supplements and over the counter meds. There are certain health conditions that can be negatively affected by some of the ingredients in RTD supplement shakes, and there is also a risk of contraindication with your medication.

Ready-To-Drinks Dosage

The dosage of ready-to-drink supplements varies widely depending on the actual product. For instance, some cans contain up to two servings while others only contain half of one. A single serving of a RTD shake is 8.5 fl oz. Just remember that if the shake contains more than just the supplement – you will still have to factor in the other nutritional elements, such as the total calories, fats and carbs.

If you are planning on incorporating RTD into your workout routine, you should plan on drinking half of the can before exercising and then the remaining half after you finish. This allows the body to fully absorb the supplement that you are drinking, and it also provides a continuous energy boost that you won’t immediately crash from.

If you need help deciding what type of Ready-To-Drink supplements are best for you visit the supplements page. Or just go to the free supplement finder right now!


  • Side Effects
  • Other Names
  • Uses
Liver Damage
Gastric Upset
Heart Problems
Loss Of Balance
Meal Replacement
Muscle Mass
Weight Gain
Weight Loss