

Aid Overall Health

Smilax is a viney tropical herb originally found in Central and South America. It is also known as Sarsaparilla, and this herb is not only used to flavor beverages such as root beer, but is also used for medicinal practices and herbs. There are a number of different species of smilax, and each one has specific benefits.

Smilax is known to increase metabolism in the body and improve performance in athletes. It is used in certain supplements by body builders because it is believed to improve and increase production of hormones, such as testosterone, in the body.

Other health benefits smilax provides include improved vision, enhanced sexual function, decreased headaches, decreased urinary tract infections, healthy hair and skin, decreased pain in the joints, and relief from menstrual disorders. It also has possible anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-fungal properties, and is an antioxidant

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Smilax as an Antioxidant Smilax works in the body as a possible antioxidant. Free radicals are substances in the body that are harmful and can cause damage to cells. They are produced from exposure to certain toxins such as radiation, pollution, and cigarette smoke, as well as exposure to ... more

Smilax as an Antioxidant

Smilax works in the body as a possible antioxidant. Free radicals are substances in the body that are harmful and can cause damage to cells. They are produced from exposure to certain toxins such as radiation, pollution, and cigarette smoke, as well as exposure to chemicals from the breakdown of food in the body.

Antioxidants can neutralize these free radicals, which decreases the chance of future health issues including viral infections, heart disease, and cancer. Antioxidants also help to slow down the normal signs of aging, and are used in anti aging products.  Smilax has been shown to decrease damage from harmful free radicals, most notably in the digestive tract.

Smilax and Improved Vision

Smilax can possibly improve vision in a short period of time. Observations include better focus, brighter colors, heightened vision clarity, and improvement in both distant and close vision within just a few hours of taking the supplement.

Smilax and Enhanced Athletic Performance

Smilax has been used by athletes, weight trainers and body builders who want to increase the amount of testosterone in the body, while doing so legally. In theory, smilax is used as starting material in the form of testosterone that is semi-synthetic. This is thought to help increase natural testosterone in the body.

Because it increases other hormone levels in the body, such as progesterone, smilax can also help with painful and irregular menstrual cycles. It also can heighten sexual function and activity.

Smilax as an Anti Cancer Agent

Smilax has possible anti-cancer properties. It has been shown to have promising results in fighting off leukemia, colon cancer, and cervical cancer cells. Because it is natural, it has very few side effects unlike some of the medical treatments available.

Smilax as an Anti Inflammatory

Many health conditions are caused, at least partly, from inflammation within the body. With its anti inflammatory properties, smilax can help with many inflammatory conditions. It has been shown to help with arthritis and joint pain, as well as gout.

It also can help improve inflammatory skin conditions. Dermatitis is defined by itchy inflammation of the skin, and it can be helped with topical application of smilax. Eczema and itchiness of the skin can also be decreased with the help of smilax.

Certain chemicals contained in smilax are acknowledged for decreasing itching and joint pain, as well as for decreasing the amount of harmful bacteria in the body. Other chemicals in smilax can help fight the inflammation, swelling, and pain, as well as protect the liver from harmful toxins.

Smilax Dosage Guidelines

Smilax is available in powder form, liquid extract, and capsules.

The daily amount recommended varies from person to person and what condition they have. On the high end, 15- 30 grams per day is recommended. The dosage should be spread out over two to three doses each day. Lower doses include 1- 2 grams twice per day or 2- 4 grams three times a day.

Consult your health care provider to determine the correct dose for you and to avoid any unwanted or unneccessary side effects.

Smilax Side Effects

Studies about the safety of smilax have shown that there are very few side effects and the chances of experiencing them are rare. Some side effects reported, especially with high doses of smilax, include nausea and gastro intestinal distress.

Certain people have experienced asthmatic symptoms with prolonged exposure to the powder form. Also, certain supplement formulas contain levels of lead that are determined to be unsafe.

Young children should not take smilax, nor should those with kidney or liver diseases, as smilax can affect the function of both.

Due to the lack of studies for possible side effects, women who are pregnant or breast feeding should not take smilax. Use the free supplement finder to compare and locate Smilax and other nutrition options now!


  • Side Effects
  • Other Names
  • Uses
Gastrointestinal Issues
Ecudorian Sarsaparilla, Honduras Sarsaparilla, Indian Sarsaparilla, Jamaican Sarsaparilla, Mexican Sarsaparilla, Salsaparilha, Salsepareille, Sarsa, Sarsaparillae radix, Sarsaparillewurzel, Smilax, Smilax aristolochaefolia, Smilax aristolochiaefolii, Smilax china, Smilax febrifuga, Smilax officinalis, Smilax ornate, Smilax regelii, Smilax medica, Zarzaparrilla
Athletic Performance
Decrease Damage From Free Radicals
Hair Health
Improved Vision
Increase Testosterone Production
Joint Pain
Liver Health
Menstrual Disorders
Sexual Function
Skin Health
Urinary Tract Infection