Sucralose is not normally considered a nutritional supplement by definition. Sucralose is nonetheless a very common and well known dietary substance throughout the world.
The primary use of sucralose is as an artificial sweetener to replace table sugar (sucrose). The two main advantages of sucralose are that it is hundreds of times sweeter than table sugar and it is noncaloric in the sense that the body does not break it down when ingested.
Sucralose is also a sweeter than saccharin and aspartame, and is currently considered safer than these two substances. Some common brand name sweeteners made with sucralose include Cukren, Nevella, Splenda, and SucraPlus.
Sucralose is a very common a sugar substitute for diabetics because it can withstand high heat conditions. That means it can be used in baking, hot beverages, and foods that tend to need a longer shelf life.
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Sucralose Composition Although sucralose is an artificial sweetener it is produced from sucrose (sugar). It is a chlorinated form of sucrose which replaces some of sugar's hydroxyl compounds with chloride. The production of sucralose is a fairly simple process which can be done safely ... more
Although sucralose is an artificial sweetener it is produced from sucrose (sugar). It is a chlorinated form of sucrose which replaces some of sugar's hydroxyl compounds with chloride.
The production of sucralose is a fairly simple process which can be done safely and cost effectively. Interestingly enough, the substance was discovered as an artificial sweetener quite by accident.
In 1976, researchers were testing sugar for use in insecticides when one of the researchers was instructed to test a chlorinated sucrose product. That researcher misunderstood his instructions and tasted the substance instead.
When he discovered how sweet it was the research team decided to test it for safety as an artificial sweetener, and sucralose was born. Tate & Lyle, the company for whom the researchers worked, originally patented sucralose in 1976.
Most of those patents have since expired. The only ones that remain relate to Tate & Lyles manufacturing process rather than the substance itself.
Sucralose has been deemed by a long list of regulatory bodies to be safe for human consumption. Among those bodies are the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
Sucralose has also been deemed as one of only two safe sugar substitutes by an organization known as the Center for Science in the Public Interest. This organization is a consumer advocacy group that tests countless products in order to determine their safety to consumers.
The wide acceptance of sucralose as a sugar substitute can be attributed to more than 100 studies using both animals and humans. What's most unusual about these studies is that they were all unanimous in their conclusions.
That's almost unheard of in the scientific community. Nonetheless, all the studies concluded that sucralose, taken in moderation up to 9 mg/kg/day, is completely safe. There are some minor side effects in some people, however.
Animal studies suggest that some people who use sucralose on a daily basis may experience reduced levels of good bacteria in the system as well as elevated pH levels in the blood. Both of these conditions can lead to minor to moderate weight gain.
However, the studies in question have never been carried forward to a human test group. Therefore is impossible to say whether humans definitely will experience the same results as the lab animals used in testing.
Other side effects have been linked to sucralose on an anecdotal basis. Although none of these side effects has been proven, some users have complained of migraines, diarrhea, and decreased fetal weight during pregnancy.
Critics of the substance claim that the chloride used in producing sucralose is a carcinogen which can naturally cause all of these side effects and more. Yet, what they fail to report is that the toxic chemicals used in the production of sucralose are removed from the final product.
It's important to note that many of the critics of sucralose point to negative test results performed by rats in the laboratory. Unfortunately, while rats do make for a good human substitute in most cases, the results observed from these tests are not always transferable to humans.
It must be stated that despite the opposition of some, sucralose has been accepted around the world as a safe and reliable sugar alternative for more than 30 years.
Splenda is often in the crosshairs of those who do not favor the use of artificial sweeteners. They claim that Splenda is a dangerous substance because of the toxic chemicals it contains.
It's important to state here that Splenda is not pure sucralose by any stretch of imagination. Sucralose is but one ingredient combined with several others to make the product.
If Splenda does cause adverse side effects in some people it may be due to ingredients other than the sucralose. Looking for the perfect artificial sweetener to add to your diet regimen? Use the supplement finder now!
Diarrhea |
Migraines |
Reduction Of Good Bacteria |
Elevated PH Levels |
Artificial Sugar |
Sugar Alternative |